What is Citibox? All about the smart mailbox

Citibox is a type of intelligent mailbox designed to avoid that, after buying a product online, we have to wait at home for the package to be delivered to us, or even for the delivery person to come by while we are at our work or study center.

Today, Citibox mailboxes are installed in common areas of homes (the portal, for example) and companies. It looks like a closet with compartments that include an electronic lock based on a numeric keypad.

When a package arrives , the delivery person will use the Citibox app to open the mailbox and deposit it inside. Then we will receive a notification on the mobile (also by email if we wish) to know that the order has arrived.

When passing in front of the mailbox we will be able to pick up the shipment , the app will ask us to scan a code from the corresponding box, and it will provide us with a one-time code to open it and remove the package.

We will not have a locker assigned exclusively, but the dealer will place the package in which it is free at that time. Security is provided by the mobile code, in addition the smart mailbox is never installed on the street , so the risk of theft is considerably reduced.

The Citibox concept is similar to Amazon Locker , but aims to be closer to shoppers. Instead of going to a store or a shopping center, we will have it at the reception of our company or directly at the building portal.

In addition, the mailbox is for the exclusive use of the inhabitants of the house or the company’s staff, in no way outsiders can receive their deliveries there.

Citibox’s business model is very aggressive, since it installs a smart wardrobe for free to the neighborhood communities that request it, as long as there are at least 10 homes. They began the deployment in Spain through Madrid and Barcelona, ​​hoping to reach more areas in the future.

User comfort and savings for couriers

Citibox is a good idea for those who shop online: while it is very convenient to have the package delivered to the door, it is not uncommon for them to try it when no one is home.

In this way we avoid waiting for the delivery or pending the phone in case the courier company calls us, and we will pick up the package at the time that suits us best.

Using Citibox costs nothing to the recipient , and neither does the installation of the smart mailboxes. In addition, all delivery companies in Spain can use Citibox, so that should not be a problem.

In theory, it is a system that only has advantages, although later we will see that in practice there are some details to be polished.

Despite this, Citibox really does focus on the needs of the messaging sector, which in this case coincide with the preferences of the users.

Smart mailboxes help courier companies save money , as they allow deliveries to be made always first time, and the delivery person does not waste time calling the customer or going up to their floor.

In addition, the app allows better control of logistics, since when the package is placed in the mailbox it is registered, and the possibility of creating overnight delivery shifts is opened in some cases.

On the other hand, Citibox also allows buyers to leave products that they are going to return to an online store in the lockers , which will be collected at any time, without having to arrange a specific time.

In fact, Citibox’s revenue comes from courier companies . Citibox charges them to use their mailboxes, but in general it compensates them, since what they pay to deliver in the smart mailboxes is less than what they save with this delivery system.

Requirements to install a Citibox

Before ordering a smart mailbox, there are some minimum requirements to meet. Although they will put us more or less cabinets depending on the intended use, there is a minimum space necessary . These are the conditions:

  • Common area closed and protected from the rain.
  • 1m high x 0.42m wide and 0.35m deep available for the cabinet.
  • Minimum of 10 homes in the building.
  • They do not need Internet access or connection to the electrical network.

Since Citiboxes are battery-powered , the firm takes care of charging and maintenance, although energy consumption is very low, and recharges are rare.

To make the request, the board of the neighborhood community must approve it , and the president send the request to Citibox. In principle, it does not involve a cost, but it is clear that not all communities will see with good eyes that the cabinets take up space in the portal.

In the case of companies, the conditions change, and already depend on the negotiation between the company requesting the service and Citibox.

What packages will fit?

Although Citibox offers different external designs, and installs more or fewer lockers depending on the expected demand, in the end its smart cabinets have some common characteristics.

A key aspect is that the purchase fits, since larger packages will have to be delivered by hand because they cannot be stored in the cupboards.

These are the dimensions of the Citibox today:

  • Small locker measuring 14.5 x 38 x 34 cm.
  • 30 x 51 x 34 cm medium locker.
  • 100 kg maximum per shelf.

If the product does not fit in the small compartment, it can be left in the medium one, as long as there is one free.

Make sure the packages reach you

On the other hand, the company advises to indicate in the address that we want delivery in Citibox . For example, putting “Citibox Mailboxes” next to the floor, like this:

Juan Perez Perez

C / Gran Vía 99, floor 9 D (Citibox mailboxes)

28000 Madrid

Regarding Amazon , Citibox recommends using the “Leave a neighbor” section . We can locate it if we click, under our delivery address, on “Add delivery instructions”:

A window opens with many options, we choose the first one in the left column (“Where is a safe place to leave the packages when you are not there?”) And in the right column we choose “Neighbor” :

In the “Neighbor’s name” box we will indicate “Citibox mailboxes” :

Citibox highlights the importance of indicating to the online store the same name and surname that we have registered in the app , to avoid failed deliveries.

That is, it is not enough for the address to match, because the delivery person will search by name and surname, and if we have put those of another person (family members or roommates) they will not appear.

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On the other hand, while the merchandise is in the smart mailbox, the person responsible for its custody is Citibox . If it is stolen or damaged while inside, we can contact Citibox to resolve the issue.

Of course, in case the packaging is damaged during transport we have to discuss it with the online store, it would no longer be the responsibility of Citibox.

Problems with Citibox

It often pays for couriers to use a smart mailbox, if only for a long-term strategy, but in practice some couriers do not deliver on Citibox .

Either because they don’t know how it works , they don’t have the app downloaded or they don’t trust the system, they insist on traditional hand delivery. You have to think that Citibox is not too widespread, so not all employees of courier companies know about it.

When the distribution is made by the Post Office, according to the opinions of the users, the issue becomes more complicated.

Given the growing precariousness of parcel delivery (due to the increase in online commerce), many employees do not have time to register users in Citibox, especially when we talk about temporary contracts.

And there comes another problem: if there is a Citibox in a portal, all the packages should be left there . If the recipient is not registered in the app, the delivery person will register it instead, and a notification email will arrive.

Some people do not want their online purchases to end up at Citibox , or they will not know how to use it, especially if they are of a certain age. You have to think that the installation can be done in large neighborhood communities, and not everyone will see it as a good idea.

In these cases, you must contact Citibox to unsubscribe , for this you have the email of [email protected] . This procedure usually bothers those affected, since at no time had they requested discharge.

The idea of ​​Citibox, which is also a Spanish company, is interesting, and it solves what is perhaps the biggest problem in Internet commerce. The system is comfortable and, if something can be criticized, it is their great ambition, as they seek to bring smart mailboxes to each building.

It is clear that smart mailboxes like Citibox are the future of parcel delivery , but there is a lot of competition and innovation in this sector, which is sure to change radically in the coming years.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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