How to remove gray theme in Windows 10

Windows, like the rest of the operating systems out there today, is not perfect. This is why sometimes, when it is updated, it suffers errors and small changes such as the appearance of the “gray theme” of Windows 10 .

This tiny error is solved in a few simple steps that we will explain below, in fact, as a result of these steps we can know how to put the dark mode in Windows 10.

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To recover the color palette that we had in the tabs and bars of our equipment before the gray theme appeared, we must follow this brief tutorial:

  • We can either type in the taskbar, or ask Cortana for the following: themes and settings .
  • It will be in this menu where we can choose if we want, light theme, dark theme or custom theme .
  • The light theme leaves us all white and only highlights certain things with the color we want, on the other hand, the dark theme puts everything black and highlights some options with the color we choose below and the custom theme is the possibility of mixing the two previous topics.
  • Once the above in the “Themes” section has been clarified, we look on the left side for the “Colors” option .
  • We made sure all the settings are on the “Light” option to remove the gray theme.
  • Checking this option restores the color settings to the original that the Windows 10 computer comes from the factory. Thus, the gray issue that has led us to this situation would be eliminated.

If we want to customize our computer with Windows 10, and give it a touch of color, we can achieve it with the following options.

Change the color of Windows 10 in a minute

Without leaving the configuration menu in which we are, we must follow the following guidelines:

  • Scroll down until you find “Choose the accent color” . This refers to the color that will appear in the Windows options. If we don’t like any of the colors in the default palette, we can click on “Custom Color” and manually search for our color.
  • If we want the borders of the titles and the bars of the windows to also change color, we must mark the option that appears in the screenshot below.
  • These colors that we are choosing will be applied in the places that we have mentioned, as long as we have the “light mode” activated . In case of having the dark mode or the custom mode, the options are expanded and allow us to see the chosen color at the start, task bar, activity center, window borders, etc.

Once we adjust all of the above, the gray theme will disappear to make way for the new theme and color settings that we have chosen for our Windows 10 computer . We can access the settings and change the colors whenever we want.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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