What is chemotherapy?

It is a type of treatment in which drugs are used to fight cancer. These drugs mix with the blood and are taken to all parts of the body, destroying the diseased cells that are forming the tumor and also preventing them from spreading.



How is chemotherapy administered?


Oral (by mouth)
Remedies in the form of pills, capsules and liquids, which you can take at home.
Intravenous (through the vein)
The medication is applied in the vein or through a catheter (which is a thin tube placed in the vein), in the form of injections or into the serum.
Intramuscular (by muscle)
The medication is administered through injections into the muscle.
Subcutaneous (below the skin)
The medication is administered by injection into the fatty tissue above the muscle.
Intrathecal (through the spine)
It is uncommon, being applied to the cerebrospinal fluid (liquid from the spine), administered by the doctor, in a proper room or in the operating room.
Topical (on the skin)
The medication, which can be liquid or ointment, is applied to the skin.



How is the treatment done?


After the medical consultation and the release of laboratory tests, your chemotherapy will be scheduled and you will receive guidance from the nurse at the chemotherapy center on your treatment, according to the medical prescription. The treatment, which will be administered by trained professionals from the nursing team, can be done in the following ways:


The patient comes from his home to receive treatment and returns home.


The patient is hospitalized throughout the treatment period.



Does chemotherapy cause pain?


The only pain you should feel is that of the “prick” of the needle in the skin, when puncture the vein to undergo chemotherapy. Sometimes, certain medications can cause a sensation of discomfort, burning, burning, reddish patches on the skin and itching. Notify the professional attending you immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.



I’m not feeling anything anymore. Why am I still having chemotherapy?


The fact that you are not feeling anything else does not mean that applications should be suspended. It is a sign that you are responding well to the treatment and your doctor will indicate the moment when the applications should end according to the characteristics of your disease.



Are there other types of treatment associated with chemotherapy?


Yes, radiotherapy and surgery.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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