What Is Belief Of Islam

The basic belief of Islam is the idea that man is a servant of Allah. In Arabic, Allah’s servant is called ‘Abdullah’. This name is common in Muslim countries. The true meaning of Islam is to bow down to the will of Allah. All those who take this life of obedience to Allah are called Muslims. Since Allah is the Supreme Being and is obedient to the entire Universe, the Christian mind seems to be totally inconsistent with the discrimination of church and state.

The purpose of the Islamic government is to enforce the law of Allah, which is protected in the Qur’an and Sunnah. The Muslim ruler can neither rule himself nor have any right to make any new law on his own. The Divine Law can never be changed. Yes, it can be interpreted, even within strict boundaries. Allah is the Lord of all things. Man has nothing of his own. He is the protector of the Almighty Allah. Everything that is in the control of a human being, Even his body … Allaah merely lends it, so that he can use it in the most reasonable way possible. If a person takes that responsibility, he will be punished. It is the duty of a human being to fulfill the right of worship of God, from time to time in order to sacrifice his personal happiness, his luxury, his desires, luxuries, wealth, wealth and even happiness to life. Don’t offer. His reward will be his reward of eternal bliss and heartfelt satisfaction. Being a ‘servant of Allah’ means freedom from the force of humankind.

A true Muslim is not afraid of any man, he is afraid of only Allah. Muslim divides the world into two opposing camps – Dar es Salaam and Darul Kufr. The worst of mankind’s misery, not poverty, sickness or illiteracy, is unbelief. Teenage pregnant brides, virgin mothers, infectious diseases, abortions, adultery, forbidden babies, unmarried alcoholics and young mothers Paganism is the logical consequence of all infidelity and bitter consequences. Whatever is in harmony with Islamic teachings, the greatest good and good is that. On the contrary, disbelief is an open rebellion against Allaah that can never be tolerated. A Muslim evaluates the character of another human being based on the health of his faith and its practical implementation in everyday life. A person’s race, nationality, wealth or social status has nothing to do with his real human qualities. If a person does not try to follow what he is accustomed to believe in, then he is merely a hypocrite, in fact he does not believe at all.

For a Muslim, the function of a human being depends on his beliefs. Because without supernatural grounds he cannot even imagine the existence of beauty and morality. Is the On the contrary, disbelief is an open rebellion against Allaah that can never be tolerated. A Muslim evaluates the character of another human being based on the health of his faith and its practical implementation in everyday life. A person’s race, nationality, wealth or social status has nothing to do with his real human qualities. If a person does not try to follow what he is accustomed to believe in, he is simply a hypocrite; in fact he does not believe in the end. To a Muslim, any act of a human being depends on his beliefs. Because without supernatural grounds he cannot even imagine the existence of beauty and morality. Is the On the contrary, disbelief is an open rebellion against Allaah that can never be tolerated.

A Muslim evaluates the character of another human being based on the health of his faith and its practical implementation in everyday life. A person’s race, nationality, wealth or social status has nothing to do with his real human qualities. If a person does not try to follow what he is accustomed to believe in, then he is merely a hypocrite, in fact he does not believe at all. For a Muslim, the function of a human being depends on his beliefs. Because without supernatural grounds he cannot even imagine the existence of beauty and morality. Is. A person’s race, nationality, wealth or social status has nothing to do with his real human qualities. If a person does not try to follow what he is accustomed to believe in, he is simply a hypocrite; in fact he does not believe in the end. To a Muslim, any act of a human being depends on his beliefs. Because without supernatural grounds he cannot even imagine the existence of beauty and morality. Is. A person’s race, nationality, wealth or social status has nothing to do with his real human qualities.

If a person does not try to follow what he is accustomed to believe in, he is simply a hypocrite; in fact he does not believe in the end. To a Muslim, any act of a human being depends on his beliefs. Because without supernatural grounds he cannot even imagine the existence of beauty and morality. A true Muslim is not afraid of death. Death is the gateway through which a Muslim becomes everlasting and obtains the Divine. When a Muslim becomes ill, he gives every possible cure for recovery, but if all the medical resources fail to restore his health and save his life, he says with great calm and satisfaction that he is right. ۔ He believes that God has already determined the life span of every living being. No person can die before this time nor can medicines and physicians from all over the world jointly delay his death. The Qur’an forbids curiosity and envy. No matter how wrong a Muslim may be, unless he abandons his religion publicly, it cannot deprive another Muslim of religious and social rights. Muslims neither side nor side with other religions Try to force them to become Muslims. Under the shadow of the Islamic government, religious minorities live as sovereign and integral groups. They are allowed to follow their religious laws, educate their children in their own custom, and preserve their culture and culture. Moreover, they have full protection of life and property.

According to Islamic teachings, they as human beings deserve equal justice and good treatment. However, despite all these rights granted to the Shari’ah, no non-Muslim can be considered the head of a Muslim. Non-Muslims, who live in the shadow of the Islamic government, are exempt from military service, because only those who believe in the invitation of Islam can fight for it. For this reason, any non-Muslim cannot be held in key positions of the government. A Muslim feels deep intimacy with other Muslims despite racial and ethnic differences, but among non-Muslims, he Islam is a universal religion. Its doors are open to all humankind. He actively strives to bring non-Muslims to His gracious mercy. Unlike Christians, we do not need professional preachers. Every Muslim is a preacher rather than himself. The propagation of Islam is, to its extent, its sacred duty. Many non-Muslims will be surprised to find that Islam spread through common Arab and Indian businessmen in vast areas of the world, especially in Southeast Asia and Africa. For this purpose neither force nor force was used, nor were these countries politically condemned.

by Abdullah Sam
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