What Is An Executable File?

An executable file is a file used to perform various functions or operations on a computer. Unlike data files, an executable file cannot be read because it was compiled. The most common executable files have the bat, exe, com, bin extensions. There may be other executable files depending on the operating system.

  • To run an executable file in MS-DOS or in some other command line of the operating system, you need to go to the folder with the file and enter the name of the executable file and press the ENTER key. For example, you need to execute the file myfile.exe, just go to the folder where the file is located and write myfile in the command line and press ENTER.
  • On UNIX operating systems, you must enter ./ before the file name. For example, if you enter ./myfile, the file myfile will be executed.
  • To run an executable file in the Windows operating system, just double-click on the file, or press RMB and select “Open”
  • On other operating systems, executable files are launched by single or double clicking on the file.
by Abdullah Sam
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