What is acidosis?

It is a pathology defined as an abnormal state produced by an excess of acids in the blood tissues.
There are two types of acidosis:

  • Diabetic acidosis: which occurs when known substances (for example ketones or acids) accumulate in our body. Hyperchloremic diabetes is the result of excessive loss of sodium bicarbonate in the body.
  • Lactic acidosis: consequence of the accumulation of lactic acid in the body, caused by certain unhealthy habits (for example, abusing alcohol or specific ailments and health problems).

Symptoms of acidosis

It should be considered that many of the symptoms of acidosis are actually due to the pathology or health disorder caused by the occurrence of acidosis itself. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Fast breathing, with hyperventilation, deep and agitated breathing
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Pain or discomfort in bones and joints
  • Irritability
  • Gastric disorders

What are the causes of acidosis?

The causes that can lead to the onset of acidosis can be many. Among the most common are:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Liver failure
  • Exercise for an extended period
  • Intense diarrhea
  • Cancer

Can it be prevented?

Prevention depends on the cause of acidosis. Many of the causes of this pathology can be prevented, including diabetic ketoacidosis and also some causes of lactic acidosis. Generally speaking, people with healthy kidneys and lungs are not subject to severe acidosis.

Treatments for acidosis

Treatment will depend on the cause and will be oriented to the ailment or pathology that led to its appearance. In some cases it is possible to administer sodium bicarbonate with the aim of reducing the acidity of the blood. Furthermore, it is essential to follow a diet that is as varied, healthy and balanced as possible. The foods to be consumed most frequently are: vegetables, legumes (soy and derivatives), fruit, alkaline water, miso, honey and kefir. Instead, avoid certain drinks such as coffee or alcohol, processed products, such as sugar and refined flour, saturated fats from animal meat, and, among others, milk. Finally, it is recommended to exercise regularly, 30 to 40 minutes a day. Additionally, there are certain food supplements that can be effective, such as calcium carbonate,


by Abdullah Sam
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