What is a nail house?

A nail house is a neologism used in China to refer to homes that belong to residents who are reluctant to move to create space for real estate development. Residents are referred to as “stubborn nails”. One of the main reasons why the “stubborn nails” refuse to move is that they find the compensation insufficient. Despite their refusal, real estate development continues anyway. As a result, their homes are uniquely left standing, and therefore referred to as “nail homes”.

Historical background

The private ownership of real estate in China was abolished during the communist era. Since then, the real estate sector is officially owned by the central government. However, individuals can purchase a rental property on a property in China, which can range from 40-70 years. Since the government determines what happens to ownership according to national interests, private citizens may be forced to leave their homes as long as it is in the public interest. In the late 1990s, private developers began to venture into the construction of hotels, private properties and shopping centers in densely populated urban areas. Their commitment to real estate development has been stimulated by free markets and a strong Chinese economy.

Residents living on these sites were offered low compensation and were moved. Residents who resisted were expelled by court order, local agents corrupt or frightened by hired criminals. A law on private property was approved in March 2007 by the government of the People’s Republic of China, which made it illegal for the government to take land, unless it was considered to be of significant public interest. This law strengthened the position of those who owned nail homes. which made it illegal for the government to take land, unless it was considered to be of significant public interest. This law strengthened the position of those who owned nail homes. which made it illegal for the government to take land, unless it was considered to be of significant public interest. This law strengthened the position of those who owned nail homes.


A nail house existed in a “snack street” in Chongqing. The owners of the house have refused to move to allow the construction of a six-story mall. According to the family, they had lived in the house for three generations. Despite intimidation, such as denying them water and electricity, the owner refused to leave the land. The owner of the nail house threatened to attack anyone who tried to evict him. In 2007, the owners eventually accepted a certain level of compensation after previously refusing an offer of 3.5 million Chinese dollars ($ 453,000 USD).

Another nail house is located in Changsha. The owner refused to take a lump sum compensation and a mall was built around the house. Currently, the Changsha nail house is located in the courtyard of the mall. Another nail house belonging to an elderly couple can be seen in Wenling, Zhejiang province. The nail house is now located in the middle of a new road, after refusing to leave the land while the government built the road leading to a train station. However, in 2012, the couple accepted a $ 41,000 fee and left the property.


The nail homes have received much publicity from the Chinese media. For example, a blogger referred to the Chongqing nail house as the “coolest nailhouse in history”. The feeling has become national, and has been taken up by all media. However, the government has banned newspapers from reporting the incident.

by Abdullah Sam
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