What happens when you change your number on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is one of the most used social networks worldwide, since it allows us to communicate directly with our friends, family and acquaintances. It has reported that it recently has around 2,000 million users , and it also makes approximately 1,000 million calls and 100,000 million messages and content are shared.

In general, this App is very famous for the functionalities it offers, among which it stands out to change the phone number that you have linked to your account, without this affecting your regular conversations or contacts. But what if it is the opposite, that is, if one of your contacts changed their WhatsApp number, how could you know and add it again, do not worry, then I will explain how to know and do it.

Index(  )

  1. What happens when you change your number on WhatsApp?
  2. If I change my WhatsApp number, will my contacts find out?
    1. How to notify my contacts that I changed my WhatsApp number?
  3. Change my number in WhatsApp correctly
  4. How is the notification when you change phone?
  5. How to identify if one of my contacts changed his WhatsApp number?
  6. Steps to add a contact again if the number has changed on WhatsApp

What happens when you change your number on WhatsApp?

If you buy a new SimCard with a phone number that you do not have registered in WhatsApp and you want to make this change, the application brings this function that will be very useful, so you don’t have to uninstall the app or lose any chat or contact.

When you make this change, all the information stored in the previous WhatsApp will be available again , this includes contacts, chats, photos, videos, files and more … It will also notify the members of the groups in which you are a participant that you changed number and you will be able to continue using the platform as normal.

If I change my WhatsApp number, will my contacts find out?

It depends on how you make the change, that is, if you activate the function of notifying your contacts; otherwise they will not find out about the change you make . For this reason, we suggest that you notify the main contacts you want in advance, either through a broadcast message, from the application or directly tell your friends and family.

How to notify my contacts that I changed my WhatsApp number?

When you go to change your phone number in WhatsApp, you must first notify your contacts that you will do it; since the app alone does not do it , only to the groups in which you are included. For this we bring you useful options that you could easily apply.

To start, we suggest that you create a broadcast chain so that you send all your contacts the notice informing them about your phone change. You must go to the settings of your WhatsApp, then go to the chats and choose ‘new broadcast message’; then you add the people you want to notify and click on create, write the message and send.

Another option that we propose is to change the number in the WhatsApp settings . There you must place the previous number that you had and the one that you are going to have now; You click on next and the option to ‘notify my contacts’ will appear. At this point you can choose between three alternatives: notify all contacts; notify those with whom I have a conversation or; customize this function.

Change my number in WhatsApp correctly

The steps that must be taken to execute the change are the following

  1. Enter your WhatsApp profile
  2. Go to the option of ‘change phone number’
  3. Here it will ask you for two numbers (the old and the new)
  4. Enter both data and press next7continue
  5. Then you can notify the contacts you want
  6. Finally click on ‘accept’ and voila, the automatic change will be made

How is the notification when you change phone?

After having made the change of phone number in WhatsApp and notifying your contacts, they will be able to see the notification when they enter the chat they have with you or if they are in a common group. This notice states the following: ‘+57 314 ***** 01 changed your phone number. Press here to communicate with the new number ‘. And your contacts just by clicking on this message, they will be able to write you to the new registered number.

How to identify if one of my contacts changed his WhatsApp number?

In the beginning, if what you want to know is how to identify if a contact changed their number on WhatsApp, don’t worry, it is actually quite a simple procedure. Since every time a user needs to make this change, the App has an option found in settings that allows you to notify the contacts that the number has changed.

However, the most appropriate thing is that before the user makes a number change, they generate a backup or backup of their chats in Google Drive as a security measure .

It should be noted that, although the number change procedure is a safe and reliable step , it does not generate problems; You could have to format the equipment and reinstall WhatsApp if your phone is Chinese and has a fault at the time of exchange.

Also, you will see that you will notice that some contact changed their number, since when you open the chat you will notice that a screen or information appears at the top with the following message “I change your phone number, touch to send a message or to add to your contact list “. As shown in the figure below. And so you will have identified that one of your contacts changed their phone number.

Steps to add a contact again if the number has changed on WhatsApp

If you have already verified that a member of your contacts has changed their number and you want to add it again, do not worry, since the procedure is very simple so pay attention. Go to the contact again and click on the section at the top, where the note appears that tells you that the contact has changed the number. Then when selecting the section you will get three options which are:

  • Add contact.
  • Send message
  • Cancel

In that case, you just have to select add contact and that’s it , then you must update the WhatsApp contacts so that the new phone number appears.

To do this, simply go to the bottom in the green box, this will take you to all the contacts that you have added in WhatsApp, then select the three points that are in the upper part and you will notice that when you click, you will get several options among the which is to update.

When you select it, the App will automatically update all the contacts on your list , however, do not forget to verify that the number change is ready. Re-entering the contact you updated.

Finally, you will notice that WhatsApp is one of the most complete Communication Apps that exist, since it has endless tools that make your day easier; Since you will not only be able to see when a contact changes their phone number as a security measure, but you can also report and block any contact in case it is suspicious or sends you inappropriate information or content.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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