What does Deepfake mean

Find out what Deepfake means and how to translate the term.

If you’re wondering what deepfake means , know that it’s a term used to talk about all that content – videos and photos – created by artificial intelligence to make it look authentic . Read on to learn more.

The word deepfake was born on Reddit in 2017 , but it is especially in recent years – thanks to an ever-constant improvement of AI technology – that it has become commonly used, which is why it is important to know its meaning.

  1. What does Deepfake mean
    1. Deepfake examples
  2. Is deepfake legal?

What does Deepfake mean

The neologism deepfake takes its name from deep learning (which is nothing more than a type of automatic learning and artificial intelligence that mimics the way humans acquire certain types of knowledge) + the term fake , which in Italian means ” fake “.

There is no literal translation of deepfake, which is why the English term is used to describe the manipulation of existing images and videos to create new fake content.

Deepfake examples

Among the most famous examples of deepfake is the video (never made!) In which Barack Obama warns the world of the dangers of fake news and disinformation.

The video you just saw is a deepfake: through Artificial Intelligence a real video of Obama was used by manipulating the voice and making sure that the lip goes in time with the spoken words.

One deepfake site is FakeYou which allows you to create audio based on a text, using the voice of famous people. In this regard, you may be interested in our article: what is FakeYou and how it works .

Is deepfake legal?

In the Regulation on artificial intelligence, the European Union underlines the obligation to indicate the manipulation by the AI ​​that creates it, defining the deepfake:

An artificial intelligence system that generates or manipulates images or audio or video content that remarkably resembles existing people, objects, places or other entities or events and that may appear falsely authentic or truthful to a person.

On October 12, 2022, the Privacy Guarantor opened an investigation against Fakeyou.


by Abdullah Sam
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