How FakeYou works

All you need to know about FakeYou, the platform everyone talks about because it replicates the voices of famous people and international celebrities.

FakeYou is a platform that allows you to generate audio using the voice of celebrities . All you have to do is write a text and have it read by one of the available voices; if there is not what you were looking for, you can contribute to its inclusion: in this case you could earn up to 150 dollars! Read on to find out how FakeYou works and why everyone is talking about it.

The FakeYou portal is not actually new: it has existed since 2002 but it is back in trend in 2022 because it was used to circulate an audio by President Volodymyr Zelensky in which he asked the population to surrender, contradicting what has been said since the beginning. start of the war in Ukraine. The audio in question was a deepfake , i.e. a content created using artificial intelligence.

Basically this is what FakeYou offers, a platform that has now become viral also due to a series of videos published on TikTok and Twitter.

  1. What is FakeYou
  2. How FakeYou works
    1. What to do if an entry is not available
  3. FakeYou App

What is FakeYou

FakeYou is a site ( that allows you to generate an audio from a text and have it read by one voice among all those available within the platform. The fun lies in having the text read by a famous voice like that of Giorgia Meloni , Silvio Berlusconi , Gerry Scotti , just to name the most used.

On the site there is also the possibility of using a video with the faces of the characters chosen: in this case, in addition to the voice, you can create a model with the face and relative movement of the lips consistent with the text.

How FakeYou works

FakeYou, the platform that is able to reproduce any type of voice, has a very intuitive operation. To create a custom audio, all you have to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Select the one you are interested in from the Category / Langaugecategory (you can also leave ALL VOICES);
  3. Choose your voice from over 2400 available;
  4. In the text field write the text to be spoken;
  5. Click on the SPEAK button;
  6. Wait for the site to generate your request (do not make the mistake of tapping the SPEAK button several times because you risk clogging the server, which is already generally taken by storm).

What to do if an entry is not available

As openly stated on the site, users who are able to contribute to the addition of a new entry can receive a financial reward of up to $ 150. It all happens on the Discord channel.

FakeYou App

If you are wondering how to download the FakeYou app, know that there is no real downloadable application on your phone as the service can be reached via a site.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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