What do cockroaches eat?

The cockroaches are the most resistant insects the animal world , evolved over thousands of years to resist any change in the environment .

Not only are they made of very tough skin, they grow very quickly and reproduce in a matter of days , but their body is immune to the radiation emitted by nuclear bombs, being the only survivors in a catastrophe of this caliber.

As for their diet , cockroaches are by definition omnivorous , meaning they eat almost anything they find, making it much more difficult to control their spread in the event of an infestation.

To the above we must add that cockroaches are not very demanding when choosing food , the only essential thing being that it is organic, therefore, you can get an idea of ​​what they can eat.

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What are the favorite foods for cockroaches?

We mentioned earlier that they do not disgust almost anything, however, they do show a certain predilection for foods with sugar, starches and proteins of animal origin .

It is true that you can see cockroaches almost anywhere if the climate is favorable to them, since they are simply attracted by the smell of rot , mold, food waste, etc.

So, if you want to avoid cockroaches, you must maintain a cleanliness inside your home or premises, at least then you will not be of interest to them on their getaways in search of food.

The remains of nails and skin are like a premium dish for cockroaches , because as they can easily chew them, they acquire many proteins in one bite, specifically, they absorb the keratin found in our skin, providing them with a lot of energy.

What do cockroaches feed on when there is no food?

Although it is very difficult, since anything is worth them, even books, stamps, wood, plants, etc. In extreme cases where the number of cockroaches exceeds the food available in that particular area, these insects can go without feeding for several days or even months if there is water nearby.

They usually stay in dark and humid corners , waiting to hunt some food of their choice, in any case, to get rid of them it is not enough to set traps with baits, or to catch them with traditional or electronic repellants, the best way to get rid of this plague is to hire a professional , since in each situation it may require one or another strategy.

by Abdullah Sam
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