What did Aristotle discover?

Aristotle is most commonly credited for formulating the building blocks of deductive logic, basic ethical and moral guidelines, and for laying the groundwork for biological classifications of animals. Although basic by the standards of modern science, Aristotle’s classification has been used for hundreds of years, and his philosophical work is still discussed today.

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Aristotle produced a series of texts that describe basic scientific investigations, particularly in meteorology, which Aristotle defined as the study of land, water and natural events, as well as astronomical ones.

Aristotle’s philosophical goal was to create a research system by which all men could eventually learn everything there is to know about the world. This formed the basis of his systematic and deductive concept of logic.

Some of Aristotle’s most accurate pre-scientific observations are found in his studies of marine biology. These proved to be much more accurate than his ideas on biology (which simply categorized animals as those with red blood and those without), perhaps in part because he underwent thorough examinations of anatomy through dissection.


by Abdullah Sam
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