What are the main differences between 4G and 5G networks?

The new 5G network is a reality that will surely change the lives of many users. This network has an excellent reception and also a high speed to surf the internet. Despite the fact that the wait for this 5G network took several years, it was in 2019 that the 5G network began its first appearances in mobile operators in Samsung, Xiaomi, LG and Huawei. But what are the main differences between 4G and 5G networks?

This new technology, which will soon replace 4G, will generate many changes worldwide. However, many users have doubts about the arrival of 5G. Some wonder what is the difference with 4G? and What advantages does 5G offer? Keep reading this post and here we will explain some very important differences between these 2 networks.

Main differences between 4G and 5G networks

5G and 4G speed

The speed for data transfer is one of the most outstanding aspects in the 5G network, it will allow a speed 20 times faster than that of 4G. Today, the 4G network offers a maximum speed of 1Gbps , while the 5G network offers 20Gbps. With this speed generated by the 5G network, users can even download a full HD movie in the blink of an eye.

In addition, with this 5G network you can do many things such as entering web pages like Google with greater speed. Also, the videos will load faster and you will be able to make calls on Skype with less connection problems.

However, the download speed is theoretical, since the speed varies when connected to the internet. For example, some factors that cause speed variability is the telephone operator, in the same way as the devices that are connected on the web.

The operation and main differences between 4G and 5G networks

The new 5G network uses radio frequencies unique to this network, unfortunately some believe that they are a health risk . Well, in the case of the 4G network, it uses frequencies below 6 GHz. On the contrary, the 5G network will use high frequencies, ranging from 30 GHz to 300 GHz in some cases. These high frequencies will be able to support high data capacity and high speed.

Additionally, these high frequencies help the data to be less cluttered. In this way, users can configure various wireless signals without causing interference. However, the 4G network shoots data in different directions; which causes a loss of energy.

On the other hand, the 5G network uses slightly shorter wavelengths . This aspect helps to make the antennas smaller than the ones handled now. Therefore, this helps to support more than 1,000 devices per meter, unlike the 4G network.

Another difference between these 2 networks is that the 5G network offers an easy understanding of the type of data requested, that is, users can change the power mode of the network and then increase it again when required.


The decrease in latency is one of the most outstanding aspects in the 5G network. This is nothing more than the time it takes to transfer data over the network; in other words, it is the time it takes for an action to be executed from when users perform it. Although there is very little latency today, the 5G network will lower it between 1 and 2 milliseconds.

This will ensure that actions on the web are carried out almost instantly. For example, if you click on a photo that you have in the cloud, with the 5G network it will not take long to download. In addition, this network will offer more terminal services at the same time, supporting 1,000,000 devices per kilometer ; on the contrary of the 4G network that only allows 10,000 devices.

Now that you know the difference between these two networks, which of the two networks do you use on your mobile? Which prefer?  Leave us your comment to know your invaluable opinion of this great impulse in communication; And you can also share this important information with family or friends.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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