What are the effects of motivation on employee job performance?

One of the factors that determines the success or failure of a company is the performance of the employees, which can be improved with the application of various motivational techniques. For this reason, we recommend you read this article with which you will learn What are the effects of motivation on the work performance of employees?

What are the Effects of Motivation on Employee Work Performance?

What is motivation?

Motivation is an extremely important stimulus for the individual because it drives him to perform in different activities. Therefore, motivation can increase the performance of human tasks.

There are several factors that influence the motivation of each person. Sometimes the values ​​and needs of communities can prompt them to act in a particular way. For this reason, it is important to know the strengths of employees and the relevance of motivation in various areas of social life.

Work motivation

Work motivation is defined as a set of emotional factors that produce an entrepreneurial attitude to achieve success. These factors can be triggered in the context and originated by personal factors when a worker interacts with the work environment.

Work motivation involves making an effort to achieve the goals set by any company. These actions are conditioned by the desire to satisfy individual needs. However, there are also organizational goals that clearly express the link between motivation and the values ​​that any company establishes.

What are the effects of motivation on employee job performance?

To know the effects of motivation on the work performance of employees, it is important to note that there are three different sources that allow the generation of momentum or strength in a person and these can generate three different results from within the being, the presence of a need or wish.

A healthy work environment

positive work context can motivate employees to join a company and work effectively. In this way, the presence of motivating factors allows workers to maintain equality, that is, to value the importance of each of the members of the organization and their relationships. Therefore, the performance of your work will be higher.

Recognition of the unique qualities of each employee

It is important to recognize that each employee has unique qualities. Therefore, the motivation to perform at work is different between them. Managers must know the employees and motivate their performance.

To do this, it is convenient to develop human resources , recognize the differences between workers before implementing motivation techniques to guarantee job success.

The delivery of recognitions or incentives

There are employees who work much more than others. For this reason, it is essential to recognize the effort of employees who are dedicated to performing effectively, reflecting the values ​​of the company.

To achieve this, it is essential to maintain effective communication in the workplace and give special recognition each time employees perform hard work effectively. The incentives are usually a key tool to motivate any employee.

A better salary

The increase in wages is often the most important motivator in organizations. Hence, employees are driven to perform better and this is reflected in the success of any company.

The effective execution of the work of the workers

One of the most obvious effects of employee motivation is the optimal performance of functions and other work tasks in accordance with the organizational structure . Consequently, the company obtains better results and the workers feel that the quality of working life improves .


by Abdullah Sam
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