What are the best tools for developing Android mobile applications?

Mobile devices are what are setting the trend worldwide and Android is the system that in all its versions is leading technology. Android is even considered to have most of the mobile applications, remembering that most of the apps that are downloaded are for these devices from the Play Store.

There are more and more companies and developers who want to work only with Android devices. But it should be considered that not all these developers know and handle the Java tool , bearing in mind that it is used to create apps for this type of device, being essential to keep Java updated to its latest version .

But today, there are a large number of tools available to create these applications without the need to work with Java. In addition, these tools allow you to create applications even without having knowledge of how they are developed. Also, it has become increasingly accessible and easy for companies to develop their technology.

The tools to develop mobile applications for Android fulfill the function of innovating

Today there are a large number of tools which allow you to easily create applications for Android devices. Some of these developers get good productivity, they come to innovate in the world of technology.

App Inventor

This is considered one of the tools to create applications for Android devices easier to use . For this reason, if you are new to this field of technology, this tool will be useful to you, you only need to have internet and an Android device.

At the same time, this application works in conjunction with the cloud, therefore each of the steps that you develop will be automatically saved. You can use this tool without knowing programming.

Appcelerator Titanium

With it you can develop applications with JavaScript programming, this service has a large number of applications developed globally. This application is easy to handle, in turn, it is considered a multiplatform tool , since it is available for Android and other systems.

Android Studio

This is one of the most used tools to create applications, it is considered as “the official integrated development environment of this system”, since it develops these applications completely.

This tool works with Java, XML and Kotlin , for this reason, you can create the apps you want from any of these programming languages.


If you have good knowledge about how to handle web development, you can work with this tool; it has a large number of components such as plugins. At the same time, it works with the TypeScript language . All these changes can be made directly from the web browser.

Discover the importance of developing these tools to create applications

There are more tools available so you can create Android applications, among which we mention: NativeScript, Basic 4 Android (B4A), React Native, iBuild App, PhoneGap, LiveCode, among others.

These tools also allow you to be in contact with people ; If you are a company, you can communicate with each other with employees and customers. All this is possible, as devices have become a fundamental and integral part of people’s lives today.

At the same time you must understand that there are several programming languages which they comply with in order to develop mobile applications. Some of them are: Java, JavaScript , Kotlin, XML among others.

Applications are created to innovate, these new technologies have arrived to position themselves globally and are changing the way things can be done, mainly for companies. Therefore, it is important that you understand the vitality of each of these tools.

Ultimately, they make it possible to improve the communication that exists in business , since these applications are designed to innovate in companies and in the lives of each of the people who want to develop these applications. At the same time, these tools allow you to implement new things.

Finally we hope that this article has helped you. However, we would like to hear your opinion. Do you know other tools to develop mobile applications for Android? Let us know your answer in the comments.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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