What are the best Shiftry movesets and stats in Pokémon Go?

Shiftry is the latest evolved form of Seedot and in Pokémon Go , it is a decent choice for those who wish to have a suitable choice in the Ultra League. Shiftry won’t win battles on its own, but it sure helps to complete a particular roster, especially if you face Psychic-type Pokémon.

Shiftry is a Grass and Dark type Pokémon. It has a maximum CP of 2,333, an attack of 200, a defense of 121, and a stamina of 207. Due to Shiftry’s lower defense value, you want to lean more towards it as an attacking and aggressive Pokémon. You don’t want it to be the first Pokémon you throw at an opponent unless you’re sure to quickly change it if it goes against a Bug, Fighting, Ice, Poison, Flying, Fairy, or Fire-type Pokémon.

If you want to make sure Shiftry has the best chance of performing in the Ultra League and against other Pokémon during raids, there is a specific move set you want to make sure he knows. The best choice includes feint and leaf blade attack, growl and leaf blade, feint stack and bullet seed, or growl and bullet seed. Bullet Seed is an exclusive Community Day move, which means you can only have a Shiftry learn this attack if you evolved it during Seedot Community Day. While Shiftry has decent alternatives, the Bullet Seed is the best charge attack available, and so you want it to know of a dark-type fast move or a razor leaf, a type of grass.

Despite being a decent Pokémon, Shiftry is average level compared to other Pokémon choices. He certainly can’t compete in the Masters League or the Premium Cup, but he should do well in the Ultra League. If you evolve Seedot at a low enough level, you could potentially have Shiftry for the Great League. It would be helpful if you evolved Seedot to an early level to make this work.

by Abdullah Sam
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