What is web accessibility and how to improve it?

The concept of web accessibility is key within web design to create pages and applications. It consists of creating online spaces that can be used by the maximum possible number of users , regardless of their level of computer knowledge or capabilities.

Thanks to the rules and guidelines of web accessibility, we try to make accessible websites whose pages and their operation are intuitive . Thus, people can access what they were looking for without complications.

Contents of this publication hide ]

  • 1The main patterns of web accessibility
    • 1Alternatives to text in web accessibility
    • 2Adaptable to different devices
    • 3A differentiable structure
    • 4Keyboard shortcuts in web accessibility
    • 5Good navigation
    • 6Compatibility in web accessibility
    • 7Include predictability factors
  • 2Benefits of web accessibility
  • 3Web accessibility guidelines and guides
  • 4Conclusions

The main patterns of web accessibility

There are a variety of recommendations on web accessibility and web usability that guide us on what our website would need to have to begin to be considered accessible .

Alternatives to text in web accessibility

If, for example, an elderly, blind or disabled person visits our page, it is possible to offer sound or other detection aids. The same can be done, for example, with content that we have presented as an audio message. The important thing is that the information is not presented in only one way , since this discriminates against part of the public.

Adaptable to different devices

Also from the responsive point of view depending on the device they use. Also think that not everyone has the latest generation computers , you have to consider the accessibility for the content. If we bet on elements or creatives that need large resources to function, we will be exclusive with part of the public. For reasons of web accessibility we must know that there are geographical areas with a slow connection . Betting on modern systems or services implies that there must be alternatives for them.

A differentiable structure

It helps a lot a worked user interface , in which the sections and other elements are clearly differentiated, you have to take into account basic design aspects . For example, we cannot have the letter and the background in similar colors or dark tones, it will be necessary to find a certain contrast so that they are clearly distinguished. We must not lose readability or interpretative signs to create an aesthetic that may be more interesting to us. There are also people with visual disabilities to differentiate colors.

Keyboard shortcuts in web accessibility

Many people use keyboard shortcuts, and for some specific cases, they are the most natural way to navigate content on the web . To facilitate access even more, it is best to respect its existence and even promote it. This will make performance easier for many people with disabilities.

Good navigation

It is the most complicated part of web accessibility, but after landing and accessing the web, the information architecture is essential. Take, for example, a service for older people who are less familiar with new technologies. The objective that we have to pursue is to minimize as much as possible problems or doubts that may arise.

One way to do this is to test our page before making it public, allowing people with different levels of computer skills to test it.

Web accessibility compatibility

Compatibility with all types of browsers and operating versions thereof . In this way we increase the range of people who can access our website.

Include predictability factors

Predictability makes the web designer’s job easier , and in favor of web accessibility it can make pages better adapted to the requirements that users may have. The route they are following is traced to see where they stop or what type of interactions they have the hardest time to offer solutions.

Benefits of web accessibility

As web developers, the benefits can be measured from several points , but mainly there would be two: the ethical ones based on empathy or solidarity and the economic ones.

  • Ethical benefits:Morally speaking, what we do is avoid difficulties to enter our landing page regardless of who is the person who does it or what computer skills they use. Therefore, we would have a portal that is not discriminating against its potential audience.
  • Economic benefits:On the other hand, regarding the economic part, there would be a fairly clear advantage, and that is that our target audience would increase significantly . We can continue to offer a very personal and defined website without, however, giving up reaching as many people as possible.

Web accessibility and page structure has become one of the fundamental requirements of the 21st century for creating web pages. Although there are different levels of web accessibility , it is essential that the portals adapt to a minimum of requirements established during their development.

Web accessibility guidelines and guides

One of the most representative references to follow the accessibility recommendations worldwide is undoubtedly the WCAG website . These are the web accessibility guidelines (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) published by the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) which in turn is part of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), whose standards ensure the growth of the World Wide Web of a consistent and controlled.

It is a reference that should be essential as a regular place of consultation for web designers and developers. And also, why not, for content managers and webmasters.


Avoiding accessibility problems in the stages of web design contributes to facilitating access to information and content to a larger audience . It is ethically necessary, but beneficial to both us and the audience. An accessible website favors the traffic and visits of more people.

There are a variety of web accessibility tools that facilitate the verification and testing of results . Effort and resources must be invested in accessibility for the communication or business channel that our website implies. To do so is to win in every way.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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