Weak connective tissue – causes and therapy

The term connective tissue weakness is often mentioned in connection with orange peel and stretch marks. Women in particular complain about this phenomenon. Connective tissue weakness is increasingly true for women, but in reality this is less a cosmetic than a medical problem that is the basis of many diseases.

Home remedies for connective tissue weakness

The weakness of the connective tissue affects more women and is perceived by many as a cosmetic flaw. Various home remedies promise improvement here.



Table of Contents

  • Basics: connective tissue
  • Connective tissue weakness can occur anywhere
  • Causes of connective tissue weakness
  • Consequences of connective tissue weakness
  • Strengthen connective tissue

Basics: connective tissue

The connective tissue is primarily involved in shaping and maintaining the shape of the body. It has a sliding and sliding function, which is extremely important, for example, for the smooth functioning of the muscles. The connective tissue contains blood vessels, nerves, sweat glands and tactile bodies and is used to pad bones and tendons. This type of tissue is divided into loose, tight, reticular connective tissue and the fatty tissue.

The loose connective tissue serves as a scaffold for the body by filling voids between organs and organ parts. This helps maintain the shape of the body and the organs. The loose connective tissue forms a water reservoir and has important defense functions, since it houses many inflammatory and defense cells.

Even at a young age, many women have cellulite on their thighs due to weaker connective tissue (Image: marika / pixelio.de)

The tight connective tissue consists of braid-like and parallel fibrous connective tissue. The braid-like part occurs mainly in the dermis of the eye, the meninges and in the organ capsules. Fibrous connective tissue is located in parallel in the muscle tendons.

There is mainly reticular connective tissue in the bone marrow and lymphoid organs. This is extremely tensile and forms a three-dimensional network. The adipose tissue is a special form of connective tissue and is used for heat insulation and as a food store.

The connective tissue has an elementary position in the body. In adults of normal weight, this takes up about 18 kilograms of body weight. The fibrous connective tissue is responsible for the elasticity. The loose part, which contains a lot of water, is needed by the organism for the transport of substances between the blood and cells. In this way, metabolic and environmental toxins also enter the connective tissue and are temporarily stored there. However, if this storage is overfilled or the connective tissue is overwhelmed in its function, waste materials can also be deposited here. Above all, acids that can no longer be properly excreted remain in the so-called Pischinger area, named after the histologist A. Pischinger. These hinder the metabolism and can lead to various diseases.

Connective tissue weakness can occur anywhere

The connective tissue weakness can not only be seen externally, but can also occur anywhere in the body in various organs. A weak connective tissue can give shape and hold to its task, can no longer perform properly and loses elasticity. The sliding and sliding function also decreases.

Every woman wants a tight connective tissue, but especially in women the connective tissue weakness is more common than in men. This is due to the female physical constitution and her hormonal system.

The somewhat weak fibers in the connective tissue can lead to the relaxation of the outer skin and blood vessels, but also to loosening the anchoring of internal organs. This is visible on the outside through stretch marks. Expanded vessels cause varicose veins and the declining support function means that organs can no longer hold exactly where they are and therefore lower or shift, such as when the uterus is lowered.

Too much metabolic toxins sometimes lead to hardening in the connective tissue, accompanied by pain in the joints, myogeloses (palpable hardening, thickening in the muscles), recurrent tension and allergies.

Causes of connective tissue weakness

Generally women are more prone to weak connective tissue than men. This is due to the different arrangement of the connective tissue structures. In the case of women, these are parallel. As they grow larger, the fat cells can expand the tissue, which can lead to visible dents. This is called cellulite. The estrogen of the woman gives her a softer tissue structure, which can easily lead to changes in the shape of the connective tissue, such as visible during and after pregnancy. In contrast, in men the connective tissue is networked lengthways and crossways, which contributes to a firmer and more elastic structure. Regardless of gender, obesity, lack of exercise and unhealthy diet can promote the development of connective tissue weakness.

  1. Hormonal changes
    Estrogen and progesterone together ensure a firm connective tissue. As a result of a hormone disorder or change, connective tissue weakness can develop, which is often the case during menopause, for example. The main reason for this is the drop in estrogen levels. A change in hormones, such as occurs during pregnancy, sometimes leads to weak connective tissue, especially if the woman is already genetically pre-stressed. In adolescent girls, stretch marks can sometimes develop, especially if they grow quickly. The hormonal changes also play a major role here. There are also diet, lack of exercise and genetic disposition.
  2. Gene defects
    gene defectworth mentioning here is the Marfan syndrome. This creates a massive weakness in the connective tissue. Those affected get very long bones, joints easily jump out of their pans and the patients are at constant risk of life because the main artery can also be affected and burst.
  3. Medications
    Many medications, when taken over a long period of time, lead to overacidification of the body. This in turn has a negative effect on the connective tissue. Cortisone is particularly well known for this, as it can cause connective tissue weakness in addition to other side effects.
  4. Nutrition
    There is a constant lively exchange between cells and blood in the connective tissue. In this way, nutrients are released to the cells and waste materials, which also include acids, are released to the connective tissue. From here above all the acidic components are to be neutralized. However, if the measure is already overfilled, i.e. the fabric is overloaded, the acids remain here. This creates a kind of overacidification that can manifest itself in the long term in many different ailments, but also in diseases, including connective tissue weakness.

The most common reason for acidification of the connective tissue is too acidic food. Animal protein, in the form of meat, sausage, fish and dairy products, is metabolized as “acidic” in the body, which means that acids are released. The body is normally able to buffer or bind these acids, neutralize them and then excrete them. However, if there are too many acids in the organism, it will soon be exhausted and must store the acids, which will weaken the connective tissue in the long run.

Cellulite is one of the best-known consequences of connective tissue weakness. (Image: anetlanda / fotolia.com)

Consequences of connective tissue weakness

Cellulite is a so-called dimpling of the skin, in which fat cells reach the surface of the skin. This occurs almost exclusively in women, is caused by hormones and is additionally supported by a weak connective tissue.

marks In technical terms, stretch marks are called striae cutis distensae. These are caused by strong stretching of the skin, for example a greater increase in weight. Stretch marks are also possible for men.

veins Spider veins occur primarily in women and are visible small veins under the skin. They are recognizable in the form of small, thin branches, the so-called vascular tree or reddish spots. Spider veins are harmless but can indicate a predisposition to varices (varicose veins)

Varices (varicose veins)
Varices, better known as varicose veins, are enlarged, superficial, tortuous veins, especially on the legs. The weakness of the connective tissue usually also affects the venous valves, which can cause fat legs with water retention and blood congestion. Sedentary work, lack of exercise and being overweight support the development of varicose veins.

Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are
actually not a pathological, but nodular enlargement of the erectile tissue to seal the intestine outwards. However, this term is always used when the hemorrhoids are enlarged, bulging and complaining.

A hernia is a hernia caused by weakness in the abdominal wall and connective tissue. The best known is the hiatus hernia, the diaphragmatic rupture, in which portions of the stomach get up through the diaphragm.

Connective tissue weakness

Women in particular complain of weak connective tissue. These exercises help against connective tissue weakness.



Strengthen connective tissue

In naturopathy, connective tissue weakness is always treated from the outside and from the inside. In the first place there is a base-rich diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. The diet should also be high in fiber. Millet and oats contain large amounts of silicon, which is very important for a tight and elastic connective tissue. In addition, there is sufficient hydration in the form of still water. At least two liters of this should be drunk a day. Daily exercise is also essential to address weakness in the connective tissue. Any excess weight should definitely be reduced. Daily changing showers with subsequent brush massages contribute to the health of the tissue.

In the Schüssler Salze therapy, the salts No. 1 Calcium fluoratum and No. 11 Silicea are used to strengthen the connective tissue both internally and externally. In order for them to work, the two salts must be taken over a long period of time. Externally, the Schüssler ointments No. 1 and No. 11 can also be used. Especially when stretch marks, cellulite, spider veins or varices are to be alleviated.

In naturopathy, wild garlic is often used to strengthen the connective tissue. (Image: Dušan Zidar / fotolia.com)

In phytotherapy, for example, the horse chestnut is successfully used for vein problems, as well as horsetail and wild garlic for general strengthening of the connective tissue.

In naturopathy, rejection procedures such as cupping together with a detoxification treatment are often a pillar of therapy. In addition, there is usually a nutritional plan and a combination of agents from homeopathy, phytotherapy or Schüssler salt therapy. Patients are advised to change their diet and exercise regularly.

To prevent connective tissue weakness, you should start exercising regularly as early as possible, eating a base-rich diet, paying attention to weight and strengthening the skin with alternating showers and brush massages. If there is a predisposition, these measures cannot completely prevent connective tissue weakness, but at least alleviate it.


by Abdullah Sam
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