9 signs of a weak man: Male energy

In this quick and short article, we’re going to look at 9 signs of weak can and weak male energy that really kill attraction and make you a beta male at work, in relationships, and in life. It’s important to recognize and be aware of these behaviors because they can prevent you from creating the work and relationships you desire. A weak man and weak male energy can be recognized by certain signs, which we will discuss in detail here.

This article is mainly inspired by my life and my experiences when I also had to change from a boy to a man. Of course, there are also years of working with our clients – in this case men, when we often dealt with these topics quite in-depth.

Finally, ladies will also find something here, because there is a certain message and maybe also a lesson for women from this purely male world, so don’t forget to read until the end.

I myself was raised in a dysfunctional family where the masculine and feminine energies were completely skewed and I did not have a strong male role model in my life. This led to psychological and relationship problems for me. This difficult period full of problems (depression, bullying, attempted suicide and others…) shaped and molded me. By overcoming him and becoming a better version of myself, I became a real man. We become a man  by overcoming certain obstacles, challenges, pains and fears . It’s been a long, thorny and challenging road for me, but I’m thankful for it because it made me who I am today.


Let’s look at the main signs that you may not have received the right guidance and support from your father. This resulted in you not being able to cultivate your masculine energy and become a man from a boy. Here are 9 signs of a weak man:


A man with low masculine energy may have difficulty controlling his impulses, compulsions, and decision-making. A man who is a slave to his instincts is controlled by his impulses and desires rather than being controlled by them. Being controlled by your impulses and desires can have negative consequences, such as making impulsive and reckless decisions or being unable to resist temptation or unhealthy habits. This can lead to problems in personal, relationship and work life and can also have negative effects on physical and mental health.

A man who is not a slave to his sexual and unhealthy soil, is a focused and balanced man. Instead of wasting his energy pointlessly on – masturbation, smoking, alcohol, drugs, porn, addiction in general and letting himself be controlled by his drives, impulses and unhealthy desires – he can use his energy in a way that leads to the growth and development of his inner potential, self-confidence, empire building, one’s true inner worth, self-knowledge and discovering one’s true path and purpose in life for a woman to follow. But how can a woman follow a man who is lost, desperate and unbalanced? It’s impossible. He can’t and won’t follow you, and eventually he’ll leave you too or make you a slave toy and you’ll obediently obey on a leash like a slipper.


A man with low masculine energy may lack clear boundaries and have trouble saying “no” when needed. Focusing on meeting the needs of others, trying to please the environment and others, behaving in such a way that those around you accept you and people like you – all this and much more leads to the good boy syndrome (boyish), problems with boundaries and weak male energy = weak man


A man with low masculine energy may lack grounding and direction in life, leading to a lack of motivation and achievement. Masculine energy is about moving forward, building, dominating, controlling and directing. A man’s energy is clearly focused, strong and precise. But if a man has no goals, no ambitions, no direction, he becomes lost and begins to stagnate and stagnate. If a male stagnates in nature and has no direction, his pack dies, has nothing to eat, no sense of security, no leader, no one to take care of them, protect them and secure them. It works the same way with humans.


A man with low masculine energy may be afraid to take risks and step out of his comfort zone. This is also a sign of low self-esteem and insecurity. He who does not risk will gain nothing. Of course, if a man wants to take risks and step out of his comfort zone, he must have confidence, he must believe in himself, his skills, his path, his values ​​and be sure of himself. Only then can he overcome his limits, fears, boundaries, obstacles, problems and growth. A weak man is trapped in his shell and is afraid to come out, he is afraid of what others will say about him, how they will treat him, what they will think of him, he is afraid of the unknown, he is afraid of new things, challenges, obstacles and let becomes consumed by fear and becomes a beta male as the alpha and sigma go forward fearlessly.


This fifth sign of a weak man follows on from the previous one. In the same vein, a man with low masculine energy may be content to stay in his comfort zone and avoid challenges and opportunities for growth. This means that it stagnates, does not grow, does not build, does not move forward, loses its position, value and dominance, especially against all women and other men (alpha and sigma males).


I probably don’t need to say that porn is only for the desperate. Watching pornography makes a man a desperate and weak individual. Watching pornography dramatically lowers self-esteem, leads to problems maintaining an erection, leads to premature ejaculation, leads to problems with expression, disrupts intimacy, relationships with women, leads to aggression, disrupts psychological and mental well-being, and much more. Additionally, a weak man with low male energy may turn to porn as an unhealthy way and mechanism to numb his feelings or avoid dealing with problems.

In today’s modern world, more than 60% of men have trouble maintaining an erection, suffer from premature ejaculation, or both.

For weak men, masturbation and watching porn can be a form of escape. In other words, these individuals use masturbation and porn viewing as a way, tool, or mechanism to relieve or eliminate stress, fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, shame and guilt, low self-esteem, and depression . When such an individual gets relief from masturbation and watching porn, even if only temporarily, they are more likely to return to it again and again.

A weak man with weak male energy wastes his life and sexual energy on these unhealthy habits and ways and becomes even more numb in this way. In contrast, a strong alpha and sigma male uses this valuable energy very wisely to transform for building, creating, achieving goals, and the like. I personally use it for my business, personal goals, joint visions with Lenka, building our joint empire, growth, transmutation of this energy into creativity, self-confidence, charisma and much more.


Another problem for a weak man with low masculine energy is difficulty making decisions because he may feel indecisive or unsure of himself. Such a person is indecisive because he is not sure of his inner worth, he does not believe in himself, he has a problem with self-confidence, he is controlled by fear, he is not sure of his skills and experiences and therefore he sticks to the wall, as they say.

Indecisiveness can sometimes cost you a chance for success, a good job, an amazing partner, and sometimes even your life. If you can’t make up your mind and act, then someone will come along who can and they won’t ask questions and just take what they want and what they’re entitled to. I do it often, I just take what I want and don’t ask. I often notice that people can’t say what they want, can’t decide and act, which then costs them a lot – status, self-confidence, money, time, work, ideal partner, health, mental well-being and much more.


Assertiveness is a key skill for healthy male energy. Its absence leads to many problems.

A man with low masculine energy may have difficulty standing up for himself and expressing his thoughts and opinions. He can hide his insecurity and low self-esteem behind aggression and generally aggressive behavior. Remember that a dog that barks does not bite. The one who just silently observes and is calm and composed inwardly is much worse, because from such comes much more fear and respect.

A weak man will convince others that he is the threat, that he is dangerous and so on. Whereas a strong man with strong male energy doesn’t have that need, because he doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone, because he’s confident in himself. A weak man is controlled by his emotions and therefore has no control over himself or his life, so how can a woman follow him? She simply can’t and sooner or later she will see the weakling in him and leave.


This sign of a weak man again follows on from the previous one. The ability to learn to control your emotions, to remain calm in all circumstances, to react with a cool head and not let your emotions control you, is the sign of a strong man. Whereas a weak man cannot control and control his emotions and simply allows himself to be controlled by them. He is like an unguided missile that hits something somewhere, but no one, including him, knows where, what or who. He becomes dangerous for himself, his partner, his family and those around him. Again, such a man cannot be followed, trusted and supported by a woman.

We must recognize this behavior in ourselves and work to improve it. Masculine energy is not about being tough or aggressive, but rather about being confident, assertive and balanced. Remember that we all have the power to improve and grow. Do you want to finally become a real strong self-confident, assertive and balanced man? Do you want to finally get your partner or the women around you to respect you, support you and follow you? Do you want to gain respect among other men and become a true alpha or sigma male? Then I would like to see you in our new online course , which will start your change, and you may also want to take advantage of the consultation, where we will look at your problems together and find a suitable strategy for you.



Even though this article is mainly dedicated to men, there is also something for ladies. The message for all women who want to protect their feminine energy and integrity is the following.

Ladies, if you have a man at home who shows signs of being a weak man, this is a warning sign for you. Unfortunately, most women unconsciously take on the masculine role if their partner or spouse is in a passive role—feminine energy or unhealthy masculine energy. This can be very dangerous in the long run .

You ask why? It is easy. If a woman takes over a man’s role and pushes, decides, dominates, leads – moves forward, arranges everything, takes care of the family, provides, solves problems, and the obstacles eventually burn away. Even such women are at risk of developing and developing depression. It is common in my holistic coaching practice that these women develop depression from burnout, because they have to be strong, independent, always able to help and advise, and simply took on the role of a man – moved into male energy.

Unfortunately, women are not built for this energy and cannot function in it in the long term. It exhausts them and even disrupts their menstrual cycle – female hormones. This then reflects a deteriorated psyche, irritability, fatigue, health and psychological problems, relationship problems, problems at work and many others.


Many men will probably hate me for this passage, but I hope they will eventually realize that this moment, I hope, contributed to their development and growth in life. Let’s go.

So ladies, if you love yourself and want only the best for your men, set him a mirror. Of course, everything is about proper communication. Tell him or show him that the way the roles are set up in the relationship (masculine and feminine energy) is not right. Show him this article to read it carefully. Offer him the opportunity to invest in himself and start working on himself on his inner transformation from a boy to a man. For example, he can use our new online course for this, our possible consultations, our coaching or a tailor-made offer. If he is not interested, he will not want to communicate on this topic and, above all, change something, invest in himself, then unfortunately there is no point in wasting time with such a man. Of course, this does not mean ending the relationship right away. It is important to give him some space and the opportunity to do something with it. If it doesn’t stick anyway, you have no choice.


Only by letting him fall to the bottom to get his mouth full can he rise up and become a real man from a boy. It’s the best thing you can do for him if he doesn’t catch on and start communicating with you about this and working on himself. If he catches on, give him time and space. The change will not be immediate. Of course, it takes time and will need your support and space. Everything will change little by little if he realizes where the problem is and is willing to solve it, but ATTENTION ladies, it is important not to push him out of his male role and energy. Don’t forget that a man wants and needs to feel needed in a relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask him for help, but that’s another story we’ll cover sometime in the future.