Water conservation

Water efficiency

It is very important that, given the alteration, inefficiency, irrational and unconscious use of the vital liquid water ; measures, advice, recommendations and sustainable practices that allow the reduction or saving of the water resource are encouraged or promoted .

Water is one of the most fundamental natural resources for the development and maintenance of living beings , but also the most altered by the various irresponsible activities of human beings that impact on their natural quality.

In this sense, the conservation or care of water implies the different measures, alternatives and actions for a responsible use or reduction of water . In itself, a set of sustainable techniques that lead to preserve, protect, reduce, maintain and save water for future generations .

Main objectives of water conservation

Sustainability in all its aspects, energy conservation, environmental conservation, biodiversity conservation, ecosystems, habitats and natural landscapes.

Thus, minimize the use of water for various human needs, prioritize it according to the different activities that citizens carry out and all with the aim of guaranteeing it for future generations .

Read also: Water Pollution, Causes, Consequences and Solutions )

On the other hand , according to the WHO, a person must consume on average 100lt of water to cover their consumption and hygiene needs, but the reality is that 300lt is consumed . The average water consumption per daily activity of a person when washing their hands is 3lt, when the 20lt toilet is discharged, in the 50lt shower, 100lt laundry, for 4lt beverages and 10lt cleaning.

Recommendations for water conservation

For all the above, water conservation implies putting into practice the following recommendations, advice and alternatives such as:

  • Education and awareness programs or campaigns
  • Conservation of the rolling environment and natural resources
  • Planning and integral management of water resources
  • Avoid and reduce water waste. In itself, never play with the water and have a solidary use with it
  • Reduction and energy saving
  • Place economizer devices
  • Reuse water for plants
  • Recycling
  • Water the garden once a week and at night to avoid water evaporation.
  • Taps Maintenance
  • Repair any leaks or leaks in the wrenches and pipes
  • Replace the bathroom with the shower
  • Turn off the tap while you lather, brush, shave, wash your hands and dishes
  • Place 2 plastic bottles in the tank to reduce the water each time it is operated
  • Do not litter the toilet
  • When they are full place washing machines and dishwashers for maximum water use, as well as put short programs for greater efficiency
  • If you wash by hand, put a plug on the sink
  • Wash the car with a nozzle and not with a hose
  • Install rain sensors to take advantage of rainfall in automatic irrigation systems
  • Take care of reservations
  • Compliance with the rules, regulations and laws established for its control and protection.
  • Adaptation to climate change and global warming

Take care of water quality

As for taking care of water quality, the following can be done:

  • Spend less and acquire soaps or softeners free of phosphates, as it increases the eutrophication of the waters.
  • Wash the clothes in the washing machine and cold, since the plastic degrades and the water is contaminated.
  • Do not throw hygiene products down the toilet
  • No to unnecessary use of medications
  • Do not contaminate the different sources of water by littering
  • Do not buy cosmetic products with plastic microspheres
  • Do not throw dangerous pollutants down the sink, toilet and rivers

Consequently, water use efficiency includes home saving technology such as ; showers and toilets under, oxygenators, reusers, water collection and dry cleaning of the car. Likewise, the efficiency of irrigation in agriculture; use an evaporimetric tank, blanket irrigation, pivot irrigation, drip irrigation and finally the main measurement parameters such as distribution uniformity, uniformity coefficient and application efficiency.

Also read: World Water Day and its Importance )

Definitely, the importance of water conservation is summarized in the different services and goods that this essential resource brings to living beings, humanity and the planet in general. That is, without this vital liquid none of the elements or components of the environment could exist.

“Water Care is everyone’s Responsibility… Without water there is no life and without drinking water resources, there is no quality of life”

Water Conservation: efficiency, sustainability, reduction and saving of water resources.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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