Vocal cords and voice diseases

Our   voice system is located in the larynx, part that also houses the vocal cords. Its main function is the production of the voice. There are two, one on the right and the other on the left, how to keep them in perfect condition and avoid damage? In this post, we are going to see the main conditions that can suffer.

The first thing we need to know is that the size of the vocal cords varies according to sex, height, weight, and age. The vocal cords are small elastic muscles that, when opened, allow air and therefore breathing to pass. In phonation the vocal cords close, the air collides with them and that is when the sound is produced. This basically occurs in three ways:

  1. Through the vibration of the vocal cords (vocal, semivowel and nasal sounds).
  2. By means of interruption mechanisms (dull sounds).
  3. Through a combination of the above (stop consonants).

Vocal cord conditions

The voice can be affected by multiple factors. The one that most influences is the misuse that people sometimes make, whether we are voice professionals or not. Many of these problems are solved by putting in place preventive and vocal hygiene measures.

The most frequent are:

Hydration is key to the vocal cords.

Vocal cord nodules: Small lumps in the vocal cords, usually symmetrical and bilateral, related to sustained effort of the voice. There is a higher risk among people who use their voice on a daily basis (teachers, radio broadcasters, singers) and it is more frequent in young women. They influence environmental irritants like humidity or dust.

  • Dysphonia / aphonia:in the first case it is the loss of the acoustic quality of the tone (hoarseness). Instead, hoarseness is the total loss of voice. Dysphonia can be due to a functional or organic cause.

General rules for the care of the vocal cords

  • See a specialist when the voice disorder lasts for more than two weeks or recurs frequently.
  • Maintain a daily rest period (between 8-10 hours).
  • Minimize risk factors such as bad voice habits (tobacco, alcohol).
  • Avoid aggravating factors related to environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, air quality, noise pollution).
  • Avoid talking with ambient noise.
  • Avoid very cold or very hot foods.
  • Drink enough water to keep the vocal cords hydrated.
  • Avoid clearing your throat and continuing coughing.
  • Get enough sleep since the voice is very sensitive to lack of sleep.
  • Learn to use your voice in the least effort and tension possible. Taking short breath breaks during speech and maintaining a soft phonation allows you to maintain an optimal voice.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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