Veda;10 Facts You Must Know

Vedas ( English : Vedas ) are the sacred literature of ancient India , which is also the oldest and basic scripture of Hindus . In Indian culture , Vedas are the original and most ancient texts of the Sanatan Varnashram religion, which is the voice of God. These are among the oldest religious texts in the world, whose sacred mantras are still read and heard with great faith and reverence.

Veda introduction

“Vid” means: knowing, knowledge, etc. The word Veda is derived from the “Vid” metal of the Sanskrit language. ‘Veda’ is the name of the ancient sacred texts of Hinduism, this gave rise to Vedic culture . It is believed that his mantras were recited indirectly to the ancient sages by God. Hence Vedas are also called Shruti. The Vedas are unique works of the Vedic tradition of ancient India , which have been going on from generation to generation for the last four-five thousand years. Vedas are the supreme and supreme scriptures of Hinduism. The actual mantra part of the Veda is called Samhita.

Maharishi Vyas contribution

Initially, the Veda was the only one; There were many verses in the same Veda, which were called “Veda-sutras”; The Veda describes the Yajna method; Sama (singable) is a phrase and philanthropic verses . Only one Veda, full of all these subjects, remained till Satyug and Tretayuga ; In Dwaparyug , Maharishi Krishnadvapayana divided the Veda into four parts. For this reason, Maharishi Krishnadvapayan started to be called ” Ved Vyasa” . In Sanskrit the department is called “Vyasa”, so due to the diameter of Vedas, Krishnadvapayan started calling it “Ved Vyasa”. Maharishi Vyas Pell , vaishampayan , Gemini and Sumnhu- were four disciples. Maharishi Vyas gave palThe Rigveda taught Vaishmayapana to the Yajurveda , Jaimini to the Samaveda and Sumantu to the Atharva Veda . [1]

Brahmin text

There are a total of one lakh mantras in the Veda . Of these one lakh mantras, 4000 mantras are related to Jnana Kandaka, 16000 Mantras are of worship method, and 80000 Mantras are ritualistic. The part that interprets mantras is called “Brahmin”. Only four Brahmana of the four Vedas, the Rig Veda of ” Aitareya” , Yajurveda of ” Satapatha” ; ” Panchavinsha” of Samaveda and ” Gopatha Brahmana” of Atharvaveda . In these Brahmin texts, the subject of rituals is called “Brahmin”; Excerpt from knowledge discussion ” Aranyak” ; The subject of worship is called Upanishad . In this way, the Ved-mantras and the Brahmin-parts representations of the mantra, Brahmin, Aranyaka and Upanishads came under these four names.

Upved and Apang

Each Veda is accompanied by a “Upveda”. Upveda Ayurveda of the Rigveda ; “Dhanurveda”, the Upaveda of the Yajurveda; Samaveda’s Upaveda “Gandharveda”; And the Upveda of the Atharvaveda is “Arthashastra”. Similarly the Veda has six limbs and six appendages. Education, kalpa, grammar, disabilities, verses, and astrology are six parts. The method of chanting the mantra derives from the education book; Method of sacrificing yagyas from the Kalpagranthas ; Knowledge of the etymology of words from grammar; Knowledge of the meaning of Veda-words from Nirukta ; Knowledge of verses from verses; And astrology has knowledge of the position of planetary constellation and their good effects on humans. The appendages of the Vedas are called “conspiracy or hexography”.

Vedivism and apoliticalism

The pillar, the basic foundation of ‘ Sanatan Dharma ‘ and ‘Indian Culture’, has been considered as the most ancient and the first Vadmaya ‘Veda’ in the world. Vedas have been called eternal and continual due to mankind’s secular (worldly) and altruistic existence. The Vedas were seen in the holiest consciences of the most ancient Maha Tapa, the virtuous sages, hence the name ‘Veda’. Brahma is said to be a synonym of Veda because the form of Brahma is ‘Sat-Chit-Anand’. That is why Vedas are the means of cosmic and supernatural knowledge. ‘Then Brahma Hridaya or Adikvaye0’ – This means that in the beginning of the cycle, Veda appeared in the heart of Adi poet Brahma.

  • The great Pandit Sainacharya, the well-known Vedic commentator, writes in his Vedabhyas that ‘Ishtapratyapishinitpariharayorlaukikumapayo yo Grantho Vedati sa Veda:’ [2]
  • Nirukta says that ‘Vidanti Jananti Vidyante Bhavanti 0’ [3]
  • It is said in the book ‘Aryavidya-Sudhakar’ that the name Vedo is Vedyantae jyapyante charitharkamaksha ananeti etymology chattarvargyanagasaprakshutra text: [4]
  • The ‘moral policy’ also says- ‘Atmanmanvichh 0’. ‘Yastam Vedas Vedavita’ [5] This means to say that the only synonym of enlightenment is the Veda.
  • Shruti Bhagwati states that ‘Ananta va Veda:॥’ Veda means knowledge. Knowledge is eternal, so Vedas are also eternal. However, the Mundakopanishad holds that the Vedas are four – ‘Rigvedo Yajurveda: Samvedo Atharva Veda:॥’ [6] The four Upvedas of these Vedas are as follows-

Ayurvedo Dhanurvedo Gandharvarscheti te Triya:.
Among the subjects of the petition

  1. Dhanvantari , the doer of Ayurveda ,
  2. Vishwamitra , the doer of Dhanurveda ,
  3. Narada Muni , the doer of Gandharva Veda and
  4. Vishwakarma is the doer of the architecture .

Ved only Shruti in Manusmriti

Manusmriti says- ‘Shrutistu Vedo Vigyayee:’ [7] ‘Adisrishtimarbhyadyaparyantam Brahmadibhi: Sarva: Satyavidya: Shruyante sa Shruti:’ [8] Vedic Mahatapa Satpurusha calls the Maha Gyan in the Samadhi and ‘Shruti’, which is also revealed for the spiritual emergence of the world.

  • Shruti has two divisions –
  1. Vedic and
  2. Tantric – ‘Shrutishtha dividha vaidiki tantrik ch.’
  • The main systems are considered three-
  1. Apocalyptic system
  2. Naradpancharatra system and
  3. Kularnava system.
  • The Vedas also have two divisions.
  1. Ministry Department and
  2. Brahmin Department- ‘Vedo hi mantrabrahmanbheden dividha:.’
    • The Vedic mantra department is also called Samhita. Codely interpretation is called ‘Aranyak’ and Codely commentary is called ‘Brahmanagranth’. The ‘Aranyakas’ and ‘ Upanishads ‘ – are also included in the Brahmin division of the Vedas . There is also the inclusion of ‘Aranyak’ and ‘Upanishad’ in the Brahmin department. The number of Brahmanas is 13, such as 2 of the Rigveda, 2 of the Yajurveda, 8 of the Samaveda and 1 of the Atharvaveda.
    • The main Brahmanas are five

Rigveda cover page

  1. Aitareya Brahmin ,
  2. Taittiriya Brahmin ,
  3. Talvakar Brahmin,
  4. Shatapatha Brahmin and
  5. Tanday Brahmin.
  • Although the number of Upanishads is 108, but the main 12 are considered as,
  1. God ,
  2. Ken ,
  3. Hard ,
  4. Question ,
  5. Mundak ,
  6. Mandukya ,
  7. Outer ,
  8. Aitareya ,
  9. Chhandogy ,
  10. Colonizer ,
  11. Skill and
  12. Svetashwatr .

Vedas divine or man-made

  • Veda is Pourusheya (man-made) or Apaurusheya (Ishvarapraneet). What is the form of Veda ? The clear answer to this important question in the Rigveda is as follows – ‘Veda’ is ‘Paravak’ emanating from the mouth of God, it is called ‘eternal’ and ‘eternal’. He is unbecoming. [9]
  • In this subject, Manusmriti says that the sages of very ancient times had interviewed ‘Paravak’ Vedvadmay in their austere heart, through fervent penance, hence they were called Mantradrishta Rishi – ‘Rishyo Mantradashtar:.’
  • It is mentioned in the Brihadaranyakopanishad- ‘Asya mahato bhसsya nishvāsimetādhyudra्वgvedo yajurveda: samavedर्tharvagdirās.’ That is, through those great Gods (apart from being the creation-being) – Rugveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda appeared as spontaneous breathing. [10] This means that the breath of the divine is the Veda. Regarding this, the great Vedas of the Vedas write in their Veda commentary:

Yasya Nirvasitam Veda yo Vedbhyokhilam Jagat.
Nirmame tamahan vande vidyatirtham maheswaram

Vedic tradition

The summary is that the Vedas are the breath of God, therefore created by God. The entire world has been created from the Vedas. That is why Veda has been called Apaurusheya. These views of Sayanacharya were supported by Western Ved scholars, Prof. Wilson, Prof. MaxMuller etc. has done this in his books.

  • Prof. Wilson writes that ‘the Vedic knowledge of Sayanacharya is very vast and very deep, which no European scholar can claim its equivalence.’
  • Prof. Max Müller writes that ‘If I did not get to read Briha Vedbhyas without a scripture, I would not have been able to enter the fortified fort of Vedarthas’. Similarly, the Western Vedic scholars Weber, Benafi, Rath, Gramsan, Ludwig, Griffith, Keith and Winternitz etc. have given the same Vedic ideas of Sayanacharya.
  • Niruktakar ‘Yaskacharya’ is considered as a scholar of philology. He has clearly written in his epic scripture that ‘Vedas are eternal, eternal and Apaurusheya (Ishvarapraneet)’. He says that without understanding the meaning of the Vedas, merely performing the Vedas is like carrying a burden on the back like an animal; Because the word meaningless (mantra) cannot give light (knowledge). The one who has the knowledge of Vedas and mantras has cosmic and ecological welfare. The viewer of such altruistic knowledge is free.
  • The Vedic scholar of Germany, Prof. Max Müller, says that ‘The oldest Vadmaya of the world is Vedas, which is a miraculous manifestation of divine and spiritual thoughts in poetic language. Veda is paravak. ‘ No doubt, God has created Paravak (Vedavani) – it is clearly stated in the Mahabharata – ‘Anadinidhna Vidya Vagutsrsta Swayambhuva’. [11] That is, from which the universe was born, Jagannirmata first created such a unique Veda-Vidyarthi divine voice.

The sage was not the doer of the Vedas, but the seer – ‘Rishyo Mantradashtar:’. Niruktakara has also said – When the Ved mantras are interviewed, the interviewer is called a sage – ‘Rishirdarshanat’. It is clear from this that Vedas are godless, unconcerned, because the responsibility of Vedas is not with anyone else.

  • According to the philosophy of Indian philosophy , the word has always been called. Veda considered the word to be eternal, so it is certain that Veda is apaurusheya. The Niruktakar says that ‘Niyatanuyaanya Niyatvacho Yuktaay’. That is, the word is eternal, its sequence is continual and its pronunciation is also continual, that is why the Vedas have continual meaning. God himself created such a Vedvani.

There are four stages of the word:

Yajurveda cover page

  1. Para,
  2. Pashyanti,
  3. Middle and
  4. Vaikhari In the Rigveda, it is said about them as follows-

Chatwari Speech Paramita Pradani Tani Vidurbrahmana Ye Manishin:.
Guha Trini Nihita Negdanti Turiyon Wacho Man Vaddanti
That is, since there are four forms of speech, only the Brahmins know them. The three forms of speech are secret, the fourth form is propagated among the people in the form of Shabmayi Veda. [12]

  • Sukshmatisukma-knowledge is called Paravak. He is called the Veda. This Vedavani is called ‘Pashyantiwaka’, because of the interview of the great ascetic sages. The invention of the Veda as a form of knowledge is wordy. The broad form of this speech is ‘Madhyamavak’. These three forms of Vedvani are very mysterious. The fourth ‘Vaikharivak’ is the talk of ordinary people. It is said in the Shatapatha Brahmana and Mandukyopanishad that in every verse of the Ved Mantra, every letter of the word is filled with a kind of wonderful power. This type of Vedic speech is created by God himself, it is free from speech.
  • In the Shiva Purana , it is said that the ‘A’ car, ‘U’ car, ‘M’ car and the microcosm; among these
  1. Rigveda,
  2. Yajurveda,
  3. Samved and
  4. The Atharvaveda became destitute. The entire Vadmaya was created from Omkar (4). ‘Omkaran Bindusamayuktam’ is Godlike.
  • There is a similar mention in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita – Mayi Sarvamidam Protom Sutra Manigana Iv. [13]
  • In the Srimad Bhagwat, it is clearly stated – Vedpranhitho Dharmo Hyadharmastadviparyaya:. Vedo Narayan: Swayam Swayambhuriti Shushrum 4. [14] That is, what the Vedas God has commanded to do is religion and to reverse it is unrighteousness. The Veda has manifested itself in the form of Narayana, it is said in Shruti.
  • It is also described in Srimad Bhagwat – Vipra gavashta vedasta tapa: satyam dum: sham. Shraddha Daya Titixha f Krantavash Hareastnoo:॥ [15] That means Vedagna (also virtuous) Brahmin, Dudhru cow, Veda , Tapa, Satya, Dum, Sham, Shraddha, Mercy, Tolerance and Yajna – these are the forms of Srihari (God).
  • Manusmriti tells the Vedas the origin of religion – Vedokhilo Dharmamulam Smritikshe Ch Tadvidam. Acharashachava Sadhunamatmanastushirerev [16] That is , the memory of the entire Vedas and the Vedas , Manu , Parashar , Yajnavalkya, etc., piety, ethics, satisfaction of the soul of the Sadhu (religious) – these are the core of all religions.
  • It is also said in Yajnavalkyasmriti: Shruti: Smriti: Sadachara: Health, F Priyamatman:. Smyksankalpaj: Kamo Dharmamulamidam Smritam [17] That is, Shruti, Smriti, Ethics of Satpurusha, love of his soul and good resolve (Dharmavirudh) work – these are the core of the five religions. That is why Vedas occupy the best position in Indian culture. The Vedas of the Veda are trikalaabadhata.

Ved text

According to philosophy

  • In the belief of Indian theistic philosophy, the word has a self-similar relation to its meaning due to its regularity. On understanding the word in the Veda on a regular basis, the Veda has been considered as Apaurusheya (Ishvarapraneet). Nirukatakas also render this. Theistic philosophy has recognized the word as the best proof. In this subject, the philosophy of philosophy, philosophy and justice are different. In the opinion of Jamini Mimansak, Kumaril Adi Mimansak, modern Mimansak and Sankhyakists, the Vedas are apaurusheya, continual and self-evident. Mimansak considers Veda to be self-fulfilling. He says that the creation of Vedas is not about any individual or God. The Naiyayik think that the Vedas are divine. Mimansak says that the creation of a Veda-like flawless Great Grantharatna by humans is not possible due to faults, delusions, mischief, misconception etc. Therefore The Vedas are unconquerable. Going beyond this, the Naiyayikas propose that God created the Vedas in the same way he created; It is only fair to believe this.
  • According to Shruti, the Vedas are the breath of the great spirits (yasya nirvatisam veda…). Breathing problems occur automatically, so there is no need for human effort or intelligence for them. The Vedas, the breathless form of that mahabhuta, itself appears unabashedly.
  • The Veda is continual and not productable in any way by being a code of continual word; Therefore, the self-invented Vedas prove to be Apoorusheya (God-propelled) by not being composed by any man. All these ideas have been called aporasheyavad in philosophy .
  • Non-Vedic philosophy is also called atheist philosophy, because it does not accept Veda as evidence, it does not accept apurusheya. He says that Ihloka (jagat) is the playground of the soul, there is no object named Parlok (heaven), ‘Kama avaak: Purushartha’: – Kama is the only effort of human life, ‘Maramamevapavarga:’ – Death (Death) is considered to be moksha (liberation), ‘pratyameva proof’ – that which is direct is the same proof (conjecture is not proof). There is no religion, so there is no unrighteousness; Heaven and hell are not. ‘Neither Parmeshwaropi kashnika’ – God – there is no one like it, ‘neither Dharma: nor Moksha:’ – There is neither religion nor salvation. So, as long as there is life in the body, one gets happiness – in this subject, the atheist Charvak – philosophy clearly says –

Yavajji and Sukhan Jeevadhran Kritva Ghritam Pibet.
Bhasmibhutasya dehasya puranagamanam kut [18]

  • ‘Charva’ in the word Charvak-darshan means food. This philosophy which gave the message of ‘eating and drinking and having fun’ from this post ‘Chharva’ has been named ‘Charvak-darshan’. ‘Gunaratna’ has interpreted it in this way – God, Vedas, virtue-sins, heaven-hell, soul, liberation, etc., who have made ‘Charvana’ (Namesha), is ‘Charvaka-darshan’. The goal of the people of this faith is more to self-preservation than self-determination, they have been called ‘hegemonic’. They do not believe in Vedpramanya.
  1. Universe,
  2. creatures,
  3. God and
  4. Moksha- These are the four major representational subjects of all philosophies.
  • Acharya Shri Haribhadra in his book named ‘Conspiracy-set’
  1. Justice,
  2. Particular,
  3. Numeric,
  4. Yoga,
  5. Epistemology and
  6. Vedanta – these six are Vedic philosophy (theistic philosophy) and
  7. Charvac,
  8. Buddhist and
  9. Jain-these three are called ‘Avaidic Darshan’ (Atheist-Darshan) and have given detailed views on all of them. The believers who believe in Veda as proof and non-believer are atheists, from this point of view, the above mentioned Nyaya-Vaiseshikadi conspiracy has been called the believer and Charvakadi philosophy is an atheist.

Atharvaveda cover page

Philosophy of philosophy

The basic mantra of philosophy is ‘Atman Viddhi’. That is, know the soul. The Vedas say that it is the ultimate end of human life to have a vision (interview) of the only self-essence that has been instilled in the universe. There are three remedies for this – the hearing of the Vedamantras, the contemplation and the Nididhyasana- Srotavya: Shrutivakayabhyo Mantavyaashopatpibhi:. Matya tu santhamdhyaye ete darshanteve That is why mystics say- ‘Yastam Vedas Vedavita’. That is, a virtuous person who knows such self-realization is a Vedagna (one who knows the Vedas).

Types of veda

  • Rigveda: The Rigveda was first created in the Vedas. It is poetic. The Yajurveda is lyrical and the Samaveda is lyrical. There are 10 circles in the Rigveda, 1028 suktas and 11 thousand mantras. It has 5 branches – Shakalpa, Vaskal, Ashwalayan, Shankhayan, Mandukayan. The medicine in the tenth circle of the Rigveda is sukta. Its founder is Sage Arthashastra. In this, the number of medicines has been specified around 125, which is found in 107 places. There is a special description of Soma in medicine . The story of rejuvenating Chyavanrishi is also mentioned in the Rigveda and it is also included to destroy diseases with drugs. It includes water therapy, air therapy, solar medicine, manas medicine and treatment by incense.
  • Samaveda: In the four Vedas, the name of Samaveda comes in the third order. But with the name of Samaveda in a Mantra of the Rigveda even before the Rigveda, some scholars consider the Vedas to be independent creation of each and not one creation after the other. The Samaveda has a plethora of lyrical verses that were sung at the time of the yajnas. In 1824 mantras, except for 75 mantras, all other mantras are compiled from the Rigveda itself. This Veda is considered to be the root of musicology. It has the predominance of the gods Savita, Agni and Indra . There are musical chants for singing in the yajna, this Veda is mainly for the Gandharva people. It has 3 main branches, 75 verses and especially musicology has been included.
  • Yajurveda: There are prose mantras for the actual process of Yajna, this Veda is mainly for Kshatriyas. The Yajurveda has two parts –
  1. Krishna: The sage Vaishampayan is related to Krishna. Krishna has four branches.
  2. Shukla: Yajnavalkya Rishi is related to Shukla. Shukla has two branches. It has 40 chapters. A description of ‘Brihidhanyas’ is found in a mantra of Yajurveda. Apart from this, the subject of divine medicine and agricultural science is also included.
  • Atharvaveda: It has mantras for magic, miracles, healing, sacrifice, this Veda is mainly for the merchants. It has 20 scandal. There are eight sections in the Atharvaveda, in which the two names of the Vedas and the Veda of the metal are clearly obtained.


by Abdullah Sam
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