Valorant Guide: How To Play SAGE

How and when to use the unique and ultimate abilities of the SAGE agent

SAGE is like a medic in Valorant : it is this support agent that determines the outcome of many battles. The fighter possesses the skills of healing, resurrection, and orbs of slowing. In addition, SAGE can set a high barrier once per round. In this guide, we will describe all of the agent’s skills and also explain how to best use them.

Orb of Slowing Skill

Charges for this ability can be purchased during the shopping phase in the in-game store. The agent throws a sphere at the desired area. On contact with the ground, the sphere explodes and creates a field of crystals on the surface, which slows everyone on it.


  • It is best to throw such a sphere when you are notified of the location of enemies. Usually, opponents occupy closed spaces of several people and wait for the agents of the opposite team. Throwing the orb will slow everyone down and take them by surprise.
  • Choose the moment of throwing the sphere carefully, because it slows down all heroes – both enemy and allied. Thus, choosing the wrong moment, you not only will not help your team, but you can also substitute teammates who are in the area of ​​effect of the sphere.

Orb of Healing Skill

The Healing Orb will keep you and your teammates alive over and over again. This is a basic skill that recovers over time. Even if you have almost no health left, the sphere of healing completely regenerates it after use. To heal yourself – press LMB. To heal a comrade – RMB.


  • After a collision with an enemy, even if you have two-thirds of your health left, you should not save the sphere – use it immediately. It will recover over time, and you will most likely win the next shootout with an already wounded opponent.
  • As we said, this is a basic skill that regenerates automatically. The sphere’s cooldown is 35 seconds, which is quite a lot considering that one round in Valorant lasts only 100 seconds (without setting a spike). It is most reasonable to use it immediately after taking damage, both to yourself and to your teammates.

Barrier Orb Skill

With this ability, SAGE sets up a high barrier that consists of several blocks. Blocks can be pierced, but it is not very easy to do this: you need to spend about ten rounds on one block. An excellent skill that is suitable for defending against a group of opponents.


  • You can place a wall directly under you, and when the wall appears, you will be on top of it. This can confuse the enemy, and you will unpleasantly surprise him with a sudden appearance.
  • Before installing the wall, you should make sure that you will not need the locked passage anytime soon. As we have already noted, the wall consists of several blocks that are not easy to destroy. Therefore, it is rational to install it where you will definitely not pass in the near future.

Skill “Resurrection”

The SAGE Ultimate charges in the same way as all Valorant operatives. You need to collect seven skill points by killing enemies or picking up spheres at a location. When the skill is active, you can resurrect any dead teammate.


  • Before resurrecting an allied agent, it is important to make sure that there are no enemies nearby. If this is not done, then not only the resurrected teammate will die, but also the medic himself.
  • If you are not sure that no one is around, then use the orb of the barrier from the side of the attacking team. Ask allied operatives to cover you.


by Abdullah Sam
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