UV rays and sunburn

exposure to the sun is definitely helpful and pleasant but the UV rays can be dangerous. Let’s see what they are and how to protect yourself .


the sun’s rays certainly have beneficial effects on our body, but if we don’t protect ourselves well enough, UVA and UVB rays can have negative effects ranging from skin irritation to skin cancer.

What are UV rays?

The sun emits many different types of radiation, including infrared radiation, which is the source of the sensation of heat you feel when exposed to the sun, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation which is not visible to the human eye.

There are also three types of UV radiation: UVA rays, which penetrate more deeply into the skin ; UVB rays, which are mainly absorbed by the surface layer of the skin and UVC rays, which are stopped by the earth’s atmosphere.

Even though they make up only 5% of solar radiation, UVB rays are the most dangerous .

What are the effects of UV rays?

UV rays have negative effects on our health, both in the short and long term.

UVA rays are responsible for sun allergies, sunlight rashes or photosensitivity. In the long run, these rays degrade the collagen present in the skin, causing the production of free radicals and leading to premature skin aging: thinning it and leading to the formation of wrinkles and small sun spots.

Sunburn is another harmful effect of UV rays, especially UVB rays . They correspond to an increase in the production of melanin , the skin pigment. Contrary to popular belief, tanning does not protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Both UVA and UVB rays contribute to cancer formation by attacking our DNA, even when we’re not exposed enough to burn. It is important to remember that UV rays are not stopped by clouds or glass.

Sunburn and possible remedies

A sunburn is a burn caused by solar radiation, especially UVB rays. It is usually a 1st degree burn, affecting only the epidermis. The skin turns bright red and the burn is painful ; but after a few days it appears back to normal. If your skin is particularly delicate or if the exposure has been particularly intense, you can also experience a 2nd degree sunburn. This can cause blisters and need a longer healing time, about 1-2 weeks.

Even a few minutes of sun exposure can cause sunburn. The sun’s rays can penetrate through glass and clouds or reflect off sand, snow or water , so even on a cloudy, cold day or when you’re sheltered under a parasol, you can be hit by UVA and UVB rays.

Bepanthenol Foam Spray , is indicated in case of light sunburn due to intense or prolonged exposure to sunlight. Gives a feeling of freshness and keeps sunburnt skin hydrated for a long time, providing a calming effect on irritated skin.

Bepanthenol Foam Spray forms a thin layer which is quickly absorbed by the skin. Since rubbing is not necessary , it can be applied without further irritating burned skin, which is already sensitive. You can reapply it as many times as you want and it is also suitable for children.


Is the sun good for you?

Irresponsible exposure certainly comes with risks, but if you are protected enough, spending time in the sun also brings benefits.

UVB rays allow the body to synthesize vitamin D , an essential substance for binding calcium to bones. However, a short exposure to the sun on a small part of the body is enough to obtain this benefit: 5-10 minutes is enough, 2-3 times a week on sunny days. Longer exposure does not increase the benefits as your body will get rid of the excess vitamin D.

Moderate sun exposure is also recommended for people with psoriasis , as UV rays can help reduce symptoms. Of course, sunscreen is still needed to prevent other harmful effects.

The sun can also help with seasonal depression, also called seasonal affective disorder or SAD. A lack of sun exposure can cause SAD which has symptoms similar to depression and which occur more frequently during the darkest times of the year. When advised by a doctor, an outdoor walk or light therapy can help relieve symptoms.


by Abdullah Sam
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