Urinary tract infection: how to protect yourself

The urinary tract infection bothers many people, regardless of age, but has peculiarities according to the stage of life. Find out what these peculiarities are to tame the annoyance.


Classic symptoms of urinary tract infection are the urge to pee and just a few drops to come out. The will does not pass and, from time to time, pain arises. Cystitis, as it is also known, is the most common bacterial problem in the country, affecting newborns to the elderly. According to the director of the Brazilian Society of Nephrology, Leda Lotaif, we are all at risk because the bacteria behind the urinary tract infection are already in our bodies.

More in women

The condition affects mainly the female sex. Estimates indicate that half of women will have at least one episode in their lifetime. In men, the index is close to 10%. Usually, the problem results from a migration of microorganisms that inhabit the intestine and go to the urethra, the channel through which the urine echoes.

In men, the urethra passes inside the penis and in women, it ends in the vulva and, precisely for this reason, the incidence in women is greater, since the urethra is closer to the vagina and anus.

Prescription of antibiotics

When the infection happens, its signs are not always very clear, so doctors often prescribe antibiotics to cure it. However, it is very important to know what type of bacteria is causing the problem, to ensure that the treatment is accurate.

Another important point is to prevent other bacteria from gaining resistance, as the indiscriminate use of antibiotics leads to a worldwide alert about the advance of super-resistant bacteria.

It is important to know what type of bacteria is causing the urinary tract infection to ensure that the antibiotic is accurate.


Worrying mutation

Chinese and British scientists recently identified a worrying mutation in Escherichia Coli, one of the main causes of urinary tract infection: the bacterium already shows signs of resistance to colistin, an antibiotic considered as a last resort. Programs for the conscious use of these drugs, both by the population and by animal breeders, are crucial to stop the advance of the phenomenon. And each citizen can help, respecting the use (and time of use) of antibiotics, following the medical prescription.

The villains

The five bacteria that most cause urinary tract infection are:

-Escherichia coli

-Proteus mirabilis

-Staphylococcus saprophyticus

-Klebsiella sp.

-Enterococcus faecalis


In the childhood

Since they do not control their trips to the bathroom, young children are more susceptible to urinary tract infection. If the problem is frequent, in fact, it should be investigated thoroughly to rule out any malformation in the urinary tract.

In older children it is essential to notice if they are peeing too much. In babies, fever for no apparent reason is a warning sign.

Protective measures for children

– Clean butt

When changing diapers, clean from the genital area to the anus and make sure there is no residue left.

– I look in the bathroom

Pay attention to the color and the amount of pee. Children should urinate every three hours and evacuate once a day.

– With fever

If the temperature rises and there is no other apparent symptom, investigate with your pediatrician.

– Without phimosis

Circumcision appears to protect against cystitis: the incidence is 10% lower in circumcised boys.

In babies, fever for no apparent reason is a warning sign for urinary tract infection.



Female anatomical characteristics and active sex life are factors that explain the higher incidence of cystitis in young women. According to the European Urology Association, one in three will develop the infection before the age of 24.

The urethra three times shorter than the male and its proximity to the anus make it suitable for the action of bacteria. This also explains why women suffer more from recurrent illness: 20% of them have more than three episodes a year. Urologists clarify that conditions such as constipation, kidney stones and diabetes, also favor the appearance and recurrence of cystitis. In older women, hormonal changes in menopause can also lead to the condition.

Protective measures for women

– After sex

Urinating after sex helps to clean the urethra, where bacteria rise.

– Hormones

In menopause, hormone replacement can minimize the risk of the problem.

– No repetition

In such cases, the doctor may come in with low doses of antibiotics for a longer time.

– Even Probiotics

Some products with certain good bacteria help to stop the infection coming and going.


by Abdullah Sam
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