Why do mosquitoes bite? What attracts mosquitoes? The most effective repellents and the best natural remedies to remove them.
With the arrival of summer, temperatures rise and this also leads to the spread of mosquitoes , insects whose bites give rise to red and itchy wheals . In Italy there are different species, the ones that are most commonly encountered are:
- the tiger mosquito(aedes albopictus), also active during the day; its tropical origin prevents it from surviving the winter temperatures, its eggs, on the other hand, are not affected by the harsh climate;
- the common mosquito(culex pipiens), more active at night, able to slow down its activities during the cold months to return to being vital in summer.
To avoid the bites of these insects, specific products can be used : among these there are those for children and formulated after sting that relieve the discomfort created by the wheals.
Let’s find out how to keep mosquitoes away and treat their bites.
- Why do mosquitoes bite?
- What attracts mosquitoes?
- Natural strategies to keep mosquitoes away
- Mosquito repellents: the most effective products
- Products for children
- Formulated to be used after a sting
Why do mosquitoes bite?
The mosquitoes that bite are the female specimens , because they need the blood proteins for the maturation of the eggs. The latter are laid in warm-humid places, often near water sources and hatch in about 4-5 days. Males, on the other hand, recognize each other because they are much larger and their function is to pollinate plants. They go from flower to flower to find food, thus displacing pollen allowing tree species to reproduce.
The massive spread of these insects is due to the reduction in the number of predators that eat them: small reptiles, fish and birds. By breaking this natural balance, mosquitoes began to replicate in an uncontrolled way, invading gardens, parks and houses. In addition to this, the presence of species coming from abroad, much more resistant, has made this insect a real calamity.
What attracts mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes identify our skin even in the dark due to:
- sweat, converted by microorganisms living on the skin into volatile chemical compounds, especially ammonia, lactic acid and uric acid;
- increase in body temperature– this process occurs, for example, when exercising or during pregnancy;
- carbon dioxide, detected by the insect up to 50 meters away; in general, those with a greater body weight are more affected by mosquitoes because they emit a higher quantity of this gas;
- smell of alcoholthat oozes from the skin when drinking alcoholic beverages;
- dark colorssuch as black, red, gray and blue.
Natural strategies to keep mosquitoes away
To keep mosquitoes away you can use natural derivatives that give off odors they don’t like, using the same principle as repellents . The aromas most disliked by mosquitoes are onion, lemon, vinegar, garlic and coffee. Their effectiveness is limited in space, therefore, these substances should be placed in different areas of the house, balcony or garden. Alternatively, you can use essential oils , which have pleasant scents for humans but are hated by these insects. The most effective are those of lavender, lemongrass , mint, geranium, lemon , and tea-tree.
Mosquito repellents: the most effective products
A very effective method of keeping mosquitoes away and avoiding bites are repellents , which can be distributed on clothing or directly on the skin. On the packaging of these products there must be the wording ” Medical Surgical Device ” (PMC) or the indication of biocide , a term used to indicate formulations intended to defend human health; those against insects are included in group 3.
One of the most used molecules in repellents is diethyltoluamide or DEET , developed by the US military during World War II. This substance keeps mosquitoes and other insects away due to the odor it emits and can be found in different products such as Perrigo Jungle Formula Forte Spray 75 ml or Anti-Brumm Forte Mosquito Protection Spray . The greatest concentrationof the molecule does not increase the time of effectiveness but allows the repellent to last longer on the skin or clothes. At low concentrations, about 7%, there is protection that lasts only a few hours, while solutions at 20% allow mosquitoes to be kept away for 6 hours. It is recommended to use products above this percentage only in tropical countries and avoid distributing them on children’s skin.
Another molecule that acts as a mosquito repellent is icaridin , developed in the laboratory in the 1980s, which, unlike DEET, is not absorbed by the skin and therefore could be the right choice for those who are particularly sensitive. In Autan Family Care Vapo 100 ml is present at 10% and gives a coverage lasting 4 hours, higher concentrations, between 15 and 29%, allow you to double the period in which the skin is protected, in fact using Autan Tropical Spray Dry 100 ml keeps mosquitoes away for up to 8 hours.
In the event that the PMC wording is not present on the package, these are cosmetics enriched with essential oils . Among these, the one that has shown the greatest efficacy up to now is eucalyptus citrate , from which Citrodiol is extracted , contained, for example, in Orphea Spray Antipuncture Aafari , which allows you to create a screen against insects active only for a few hours.
Products for children
It is advisable not to use any repellent on babies under three months as their skin is highly delicate and could easily become irritated; in this age group, moreover, some substances could be absorbed causing very serious effects. From 4 months to 2 years, however, only products based on natural substances can be used , such as Helan Zanzhelan Spray 100 ml , and, for greater effectiveness, you can choose those that include Citrodiol among the ingredients , such as ZCare Natural Baby Vapo Spray 100 ml .
After two years, formulations based on icaridin can be used without problems , an example is Autan Junior Vapo Spray 100 ml , however, it is possible to use those that contain DEET only over 12 years.
The best formulations for the little ones are sprays or patches , such as Alontan Natural Anti-mosquito Patch 24 Pieces , but bracelets can also be used , such as ZCare Natural Baby Mosquito Bracelet which has an effectiveness of about 10 days.
Formulated to be used after a sting
Following a mosquito bite, a wheal is created , that is a red and swollen area, this is due to the reaction of our body to the enzymes contained in the mosquito’s saliva: the body releases histamine , which causes the blood vessels to dilate. Using cold water or an ice cube immediately after the sting may counteract this process, relieving the discomfort.
In such circumstances, a paste made with sodium bicarbonate and water can be used to distribute on the painful area. Honey, which has antiseptic properties, can be added to the mixture at will.
To treat bites , ammonia sticks are also very useful , such as ZCare Dopuncture Pen with Ammonia 14 ml , effective to relieve itching but quite aggressive on the skin; in fact, they should be avoided in children. For the latter there are specific products free of ammonia and alcohol, such as ZCare Dopuncture without Ammonia 14 ml . For the little ones, prefer formulations that include natural ingredients capable of soothing the skin, such as chamomile, mallow, calendula or aloe vera , contained in Esi Aloe Vera Gel Puro .
In severe cases, in which a real strong allergic reaction develops, disinfect the area with a specific product, Dompé Euclorina 2.5% , and apply a cortisone- based cream , such as Sofar Cortidro 0.5% cream 20 g , or an aluminum chloride gel , for example Sanifarma Post Pungello Jellyfish 50 ml . If the discomfort persists for several days, consult your doctor.