What Is UNDP;(United Nations Development Program )

UNDP ( United Nations Development Program ) is the acronym for a United Nations global development network that aims to develop in various areas through different projects.UNDP provides technical support to its partners through various methodologies, providing expertise and consulting in a broad international technical cooperation network.

UNDP aims to contribute to human development, fighting poverty and prioritizing the most important areas of the country to be developed. One of the main focuses of UNDP in Brazil is to be able to dynamize through dynamic services, aligning them with the needs of the country.All development, from projects, are carried out jointly with the Government, financial institutions, private sector and civil society.


UNDP is related to the HDI as it aims to change for the better and links countries to the knowledge, experience and resources so that people can build a better life. UNDP is implemented in 177 countries, working with development nations, to enable them to reach solutions to global and national challenges.

by Abdullah Sam
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