Understanding Feedback (Feedback) and Product Quality

Feedback is information about reactions to a product or individual performance related to a task or job they are doing, where this feedback will be used as a basis for improvement from the results of previous work.


This feedback becomes a very important part to assess whether the work or effort that has been applied previously has reached the expected target or has it all gone according to the established procedure. If not, then this can be used as feedback or feedback for further development.


What about the notion of “Product Quality”? As discussed in our previous article, product quality is a combination of several features that are needed and desired by consumers that can give them a sense of satisfaction when using products (goods) offered by manufacturers, which of course this combination of features does not have disabilities or deficiencies which can reduce the level of customer satisfaction.


Feedback is an Important Part of Developing Product Quality, Is This Statement Really? 

There are still many people who are afraid of receiving feedback . They assume that feedback can destroy the image of their company or business. There are also those who think that feedback is a sign that someone, especially competitors are jealous of the products we have.


Oops! In fact all these thoughts are not true. When there is a customer or customer who is willing to sincerely and honestly give us feedback regarding the quality of the products we have , this indicates that the person is concerned with the development of the quality of our products in the future.


So, feedback can be said as an extraordinary gift. Not everyone can get sincere and honest feedback. Why? Because not everyone wants to care about the business development process that we have.


In this article, we will discuss about how to obtain feedback for the development of the quality of our products. In this case, we can ask for feedback or feedback from people around us such as family, colleagues, and even our own team members.


Trying to get honest and solid feedback also needs to implement the right strategy. For example, asking for feedback using the right words, so that the people we ask can give honest answers with polite sentences.


Honest and solid feedback will help us improve product quality, and of course this can make our products develop better. Logically, if we never ask for feedback or feedback from others , this is tantamount to making us continue to spin in the same wheel and assume that our products already have exceptional quality. In fact, not necessarily other people also consider our products to be the best.


According to the entrepreneur’s website, there are 6 questions we can ask other people to get feedback to improve the quality of our products. The following is the explanation.


1. “What’s in Your Mind When Seeing Our Products?”

The first impression is really needed for consumers, especially when they decide to buy or use a product. Try to interact with consumers, colleagues, family or our team members by asking this question and asking for their honest feedback. The answer can be very varied and from some of the answers given can be our main focus in improving the quality of existing products.


2. “How can we improve the quality of these products for the better?”

The first question we can ask to get solid feedback is to ask other people’s opinions about “how can our company improve product quality for the better?” The answer may vary. For example, someone will answer “the quality of customer service of your product must be improved. Customer service should be available for 24 hours, not just 8 hours. ”


This question is far better and more precise than the question “Do you like our products?” or “Do you think the quality of our products is in accordance with what customers expect?” These two questions seem to lead us to a “yes” or “no” answer. When we get the answer “no”, we will definitely be lazy to listen to the next answer.


In contrast to the questions we suggested above, these questions will give people the freedom and freedom to answer our questions honestly.


3. “What Problems Do You Have When Using Our Products?”

This second question can help us to find problems that so far might be felt by consumers. By identifying existing problems with the product, it will be easier for us to think about what things can be done to improve product quality. Questions like these will also invite honest feedback from customers and other people we ask.


To facilitate the feedback process, we can provide special features on the product website so that consumers can report their difficulties directly. In addition, we also need to include telephone numbers and web URLs so that we can immediately respond and further actions.


4. “What are the Weaknesses in Our Product Design?”

This third question directly asks for help from others, both consumers, colleagues or even our team members to directly point out the core problems that exist in the design of our products. When someone is asked a question like this, then they will not hesitate to give feedback or feedback about the weaknesses or deficiencies that our products have.


Why? Because this question clearly asks about one or several deficiencies of the product in question. If we just ask, “What do you think of our product?” This will make other people hesitate to answer. They will be confused because they feel uncertain, actually we are asking about the advantages or disadvantages of the product? Knowing the weakness of the product will not make our business go bankrupt immediately! This will help us to improve product quality.


5. “What Makes You Not Recommend This Product?”

Colleagues, colleagues or relatives, and customers are the best resources we have to be able to improve the quality of existing products. They can help us to hear the opinions and comments of people around him “do they like or even hate our product?” From the reaction obtained from the people around him, we can get definite feedback from the people we ask, whether they will recommend our products or vice versa.


6. “Will You Buy Our Product Now?”

This question is very often used by producers or marketing to find out whether potential customers are really interested in our products or not. Logically, if they assume that our product has the quality of the product they are looking for so far, then they will without doubt buy our product, even then.


However, if they still feel hesitant to buy our products right away. Do not be discouraged, because we can still ask for feedback or feedback from them related to the quality of our products. If they do not have any problems with the quality of our products, there may still be a lump in the price of the products we specify. In this case, we can try to adjust product prices to the prices expected by the majority of our customers.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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