Understanding and Effects of the Earth Revolution

Did you know that the earth is always moving? The earth never stops moving. This earth movement does not only take place in one type, but there are three earth movements that we know. These movements include earth rotation, earth revolution and earth precession.

Every movement has its own character, which also causes its own phenomenon for the earth. In this article, we will learn about the earth revolution, in the form of an understanding of the earth’s revolution and also the effects of the earth’s revolution.

Chapter List 

Definition of the Earth Revolution

Understanding the Earth Revolution is a natural phenomenon in the form of the earth’s motion that is the circulation of the earth around the sun in its orbit. Circulation of the earth is ongoing, and for one cycle around the sun, the time required by the earth is 365 ¼ days.

The duration of the earth’s revolution is referred to as one solar year. One solar year is also often called ‘the time of the earth’s revolution’. Usually, to make calculations easier, one solar year is often calculated for 365 days.

To carry out this revolution, the earth uses the axis of the earth, where the axis is not perpendicular to the ecliptic plane, but the axis is tilted in the same direction and forms an angle of 23.5 degrees to the sun.

This slope angle measurement uses imaginary lines in the form of rotation axis. There is also an axis of rotation is an imaginary line connecting the north pole and south pole.

As a result of the Earth Revolution

The earth revolution that occurred caused several natural phenomena that greatly affected human life on earth. The effect of this earth revolution also occurred because of the tilt of the earth’s axis towards the ecliptic plane. As a result, there are natural phenomena that occur repeatedly every year. Usually, this event will be clearer if observed from the north and south poles.

To be clear, here are some of the effects of the earth revolution, which happened to the earth:

1 # Difference in Day and Night Length

The sun’s orbit has shifted so that this results in a difference in the time of day and night. This means that at the same time, at certain places, the night time is longer than the daytime time.

Conversely what happens on the other side of the earth, which experiences a longer daylight when compared to the night time. This phenomenon is clearly felt in the north polar region, which has a night that lasts up to 24 hours, and vice versa at the same time in the south polar region experiencing daylight that lasts up to 24 hours.

As a result of the earth revolution on March 21 to September 23

The north pole will generally approach the sun at these dates, while the south pole away from the sun. This makes the northern hemisphere receive more sunlight than the southern hemisphere receives.

At this time, the northern hemisphere will experience day with a longer time compared to that experienced by the southern hemisphere.

The areas around the north pole experience 24-hour daytime hours, while at the same time the area around the south pole experiences nighttime up to 24 hours.

When viewed from the equator, the sun will be seen shifting to the north.

The North Pole is at the closest position to the sun, which took place on June 21. If we look at the equator, we can see that the sun will shift 23.5 degrees to the north.

As a result of the earth revolution on September 23 to March 21

The south pole will be very close to the sun, and at the same time the north pole away from the sun.

More sunlight falling to the earth shines into the southern hemisphere, and less in the northern hemisphere.

Because more sunlight falls, the southern hemisphere will experience a longer daylight than the northern hemisphere.

There are north polar regions that experience night all day up to 24 hours, while there are regions in the south pole that experience daytime all the time or 24 hours.

Observed from the equator, the sun is seen shifting towards the south.

On December 22, the south pole region is in the closest position to the sun, so observers at the equator will see the sun shift 23.5 degrees to the south.

As a result of the earth revolution on March 21 and December 23

The distance of the north pole and south pole to the sun is the same length.

The amount of sun shining on the northern and southern hemispheres is equal.

The time of day and night that occurs in all parts of the earth, the same length.

In the equator, when observed the sun is seen passing directly above the head.

2 # The Annual Pseudo Movement of the Sun.

What is meant by the apparent motion of the sun is the event of a shift in the position of the sun toward the northern hemisphere, where this event occurred December 22 – June 21. The position of the sun that experienced a shift from the northern hemisphere to the southern part occurred on June 21 to December 21.

Why is this event called pseudo motion? Because actually this appearance occurs because the earth is moving, and not the sun is moving. This event is as if the moving sun is due to the earth’s revolution moving towards the tilted rotation axis.

3 # Season Changes Occurred

Another effect of the earth’s revolution is the change in seasons. Season itself is a natural phenomenon that occurs as a result of the annual revolution of the earth around the sun, and is caused by the tilt of the earth’s axis relative to the plane of revolution.

This season can be of various kinds. Areas with moderate climate and poles, will experience seasonal changes that can be observed from changes in the intensity of sunlight to the surface of the earth.

Different seasonal variations in each hemisphere also affect the life of living things on earth. One of them is to cause animals to experience hibernation or migration, and make plants become more active in certain seasons.

Generally, in temperate regions, the season that occurs each year is divided into four groups, as follows:

– Spring (vernal) / Spring

Spring occurs in nontropical areas, and is a winter transition season to summer. Spring in the northern hemisphere, generally takes place from March 21 to June 21, and in the southern hemisphere, generally spring runs from September 23 to December 21.

– Summer (festival) / Summer

This summer generally occurs in countries that have a temperate climate. Summer in each country or in each region also occurs at different times, depending on geographical location.

The region which is located in the northern part of the earth, has a summer which generally takes place on June 21 to September 23, and for the earth’s region in the south, usually takes place on December 21 to March 21.

In many countries that have summer, usually this season is also used as the school holiday season. At that time, most people go on vacation to the beach to sunbathe. Also in this season, many fruits and plants thrive so that they attract more attention to travel.

– Autumn / Autumn

Autumn generally occurs in areas with a temperate climate, which has four seasons. Autumn is a transition season from summer to winter, which occurs in regions with moderate climate zones. Usually, this season is marked by the number of plants that are ready for harvest.

This season can be observed from the length of daytime that lasts shorter than usual. In addition, the precipitation that takes place in some parts of the earth will also increase.

Generally, autumn on the northern part of the earth, takes place on September 23 to December 21, and on the southern part of the earth, takes place on March 21- June 21.

– Winter (winter) / Winter

Winter usually occurs when the temperature of the earth is at the lowest temperature. Generally, only countries that have a subtropical and temperate climate experience winter. In the northern part of the earth, winter generally takes place December 21 to March 21, while in the southern part of the earth, it takes place from June 21 to September 23.

Whereas in tropical climates, usually only two seasons occur, namely the dry season and the rainy season. The following statement:

– Dry season

The dry season is one of the seasons that takes place in the tropics. The season which is also often called the dry season is influenced by the monsoon system. The dry season is characterized by the amount of rainfall per month that is little or no more than 60 mm / month, or 20 mm per ten days, and lasts for one month in a row.

Examples of regions of the earth with a dry season, are Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, northeastern Australia, and parts of South America.

– Rainy season

Rainy season is a season that occurs with a marked increase in rainfall in an area, with a certain period of time. The rainy season only occurs in tropical climates.

Characteristic of the rainy season is when the rainfall that occurs in the three dasarian amounted to more than 100 mm / m2 in each dasarian and takes place continuously.

– Transition season

Transition season is a typical type of season, because it is a transitional season between two main seasons (rainy season and dry season). What happens in monsoon climates. Transition season is characterized by a higher frequency of storms, accompanied by heavy rain with thunder, and also the presence of strong winds.

This transition season often makes many people suffer from health problems, such as upper respiratory problems, in the form of cough or cold.

4 # Changes in Constellation Appearance

Another consequence of the earth’s revolution is the constellation which is a form of arrangement of stars that appears to form certain patterns when viewed from the earth. The stars that make up this constellation are actually not in the same location or close together, but each other is at a great distance.

However, this constellation makes the stars seem close together because of their perspective from the earth. There are several popular constellations such as the Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces, and Leo constellations. This constellation can usually only be observed at night, with a different appearance every night.

When the earth is in the eastern region of the sun, the only visible constellations are those in the east of the sun, and when the earth is in the north of the sun, the visible constellations are those in the north of the sun. The stars that appear from this earth will look different or always change because of the earth’s revolution.

5 # AD Calendar

International calendar calculations use the division of west longitude and east longitude as the basis. This division of longitude makes the international calendar system has a longitude of 180 degrees.

The system is if the region to the east of 180 degrees longitude is the 15th, it means that the region in the western hemisphere is 180 degrees longitude is still the 14th. So, it’s as if the sun is jumping for one day.

The Islamic calendar, which is commonly used as an international calendar, utilizes the earth revolution. Therefore, on one Islamic calendar, calculated equal to 365 days or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds. This calendar was first called the Julius Caesar calendar or the Julian calendar.

So do you understand about the explanation related to the understanding of the earth revolution and also the consequences of the earth revolution caused? The earth revolution which is one form of earth movement is a big phenomenon that is very beneficial for the earth and the creatures in it.

by Abdullah Sam
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