Understanding and 23 Types of Conjunction

Conjunction or connection of words or connectors or couplers is a word used to connect words, sentences or expressions.

Conjunction or referred to as a liaison between sentences, usually uses the actual word, however, additionally, therefore, even so, and more.

Another opinion states that conjunction is a word that connects between clauses or between intersagmatic or between paragraphs. This linkage aims to make the sentence or clause or paragraph appear more coherent or have a close relationship.

There are several interalimatic conjunctions and their functions, as follows.

  1. Conjunction stating about an event, thing, or situation outside of previously stated. Example: besides, besides that, and additionally.
  2. Conjunction stating the effect. Example: because of that.
  3. Conjunction stating the real situation. Example: that and indeed.
  4. Conjunction stating the conflict that occurs with the statement in the previous sentence. Example: even so or so, even so or so, and even so or so.

In using conjunctions, if the main sentence precedes the clause of the sentence, then there is no need to insert a comma (,). However, if the conjunctions show contradictions, such as the use of the word but , whereas , it is necessary to be given a comma (,). Then, if the clause precedes the main sentence, then between the child and the parent sentence, the comma (,) insert is given.

Subordinates can be known by understanding the characteristics of subordinates. What are the characteristics of clauses? Characteristics of a clause is that a clause cannot stand alone, in addition, the clause begins with a conjunction. Then, if the subject is in the same parent, then the subject in the clause does not need to be disclosed.


Early always won first place in the Olympics because he always studied hard.

Dani always wins first place (as a parent)

Olympics because always study hard (as a clause)

Types / Types and Examples of Conjunctions

How? Already understand what is meant by conjunction. Of course, we will not be satisfied just knowing the meaning of conjunctions. We need to know more about everything related to conjunction, which will be explained below.

Coordinating Conjunction

Coordinative conjunctions are links used in equivalent sentences. The point is that one sentence does not depend on other sentences. Coordinative conjunctions have several types. The types can be explained as follows.

1.  Cumulative conjunction

Cumulative conjunctions indicate additions. Conjunctions included in the cumulative conjunctions are as follows.

  1. Too
  2. And also
  3. Next
  4. Like that anyway
  5. Second
  6. Also, anyway
  7. And
  8. Besides that
  9. Next, anyway
  10. What’s more, anyway

There is a special type of cumulative conjunction called correlative conjunction or called correlation conjunction. Correlation conjunctions can be used to pair up with conjunctions of different types. There are several types of correlative conjunctions, including:

  1. Well …. and ….
  2. Not only …. but….
  3. And …. same – same ….

2.  Alternative conjunctions

Alternative conjunctions are further divided into two, which show between two choices and show contrasting differences. Each can be explained as follows.

Indicates between two choices. Alternative conjunctions refer to a choice between two things. Alternative conjunctions which are part of this type of conjunction, viz.

  • …or…
  • Or if not
  • If not
  • No / no … or
  • If not

Points to contrasting contrasts. Alternative conjunctions refer to contrasts. The contrast alternative conjunctions included in this conjunction are as follows.

  • However, but
  • Otherwise
  • Only, only
  • However
  • But

3.  Illative conjunctions

This type of conjunction is used in order to show a conclusion. The concluding conjunctions included in this type of conjunction are as follows.

  1. Therefore
  2. Then
  3. Because of that, because of that, therefore
  4. So, because of that, then
  5. Therefore
  6. For what reason

Having explained a lot about coordinating conjunctions, it will then be explained about subordinate conjunctions

Subordinate Conjunction

This discussion will relate to subordinate conjunctions, which consist of functions and types.

1.  Subordinate conjunction function

This conjunction connects the main sentence with the clause. Subordinates that begin with subordinate conjunction will not be able to stand alone.

These clauses must depend on sentences that can stand alone or are called principal sentences or main clauses or independent clauses and do not depend on other clauses or groups of words that contain a subject and a predicate.


The main sentence: I will go the day after tomorrow.

Conjunctions: if

Clause: I am in a healthy condition.

The meaning of the day after tomorrow I will leave if my condition is healthy.

2.  Types of subordinate conjunctions

Subordinate conjunctions are divided into several types, which can be explained as follows.

  1. Introductory conjunctions. This type is used for introduction or as an introduction to using that word. Example: Andi promises that he will return the book soon.
  2. Hyphenated cause or reason. This type is used as a pointer to a reason or reason by using the word because. Example: Ani cannot refuse because she feels ashamed.
  3. The conjunction of effect or influence. This type is used to indicate the effect or effect of a matter by using the word so. Example: Ina studies so hard, that makes her sick.
  4. Hyphenated purpose or purpose. This type is used to indicate the purpose or purpose of something by using the word agar or agar. Example: Hima gets up early, so that it’s not too late.
  5. Hyphen of time. This type is used to indicate the purpose or purpose of a matter, using the word immediately after, while, during, before, until, until, after, and since. Example: I will go to the market, after cleaning the house.

Also read: Ad Text: Definition, Structure, Characteristics, Functions, and Examples

Conjunction Based on Function

When viewed from its function, conjunctions can also be further divided into several forms. Here are the types of conjunctions based on their functions:

1. Additive Conjunction (combined)

Additive conjunctions are also called joint conjunctions. This conjunctis is a coordinating conjunction that functions to combine two words, phrases, clauses, or sentences with an equal position. For example: and, again, anyway, and as well.

2. Conflict Conflict

Conflict conjunctions connect two equal sentence parts, but by contrasting the two halves of the sentence. The second part generally occupies a more important position than the first part. Example: whereas, however, while, however, but rather, vice versa, and yet.

3. Disjunctive Conjunction (optional)

This choice conjunction connects two equal elements and functions to choose one of two or more things. For example: either, or … or, or, well … well … and whether … either …

4. Conjunction time

Time conjunction has a function to explain the time relationship between two things or several events. Temporal conjunctions can explain an unequal or equal relationship.

Examples of time conjunctions by connecting sentences that are not equal: if, when, until, temporarily, since, during, when, when, while, before, after, after, while, time, until, for, after, since, and when. Examples of time conjunctions by connecting two parts of an equal sentence: before and after.

5. Final Conjunction (goal)

The conjunction of goals or also called the final conjunction is a kind of modality that explains the purpose and purpose of an event, or action. Words that are commonly used to express this relationship, for example: use, for, so and so.

6. Conjunction Cause (causal)

Conjunction because it is also called causal. This conjunction explains that an event happened due to a certain cause. When a clause is marked by a conjunction of cause, it means that the parent sentence is the result. Words used to express a cause relationship include examples of: cause, cause, cause and therefore.

7. Conjunction Due (consecutive)

Conjunction due to also called consecutive. This conjunction explains that an event occurs caused by something else. In this sentence, the clause is marked by a conjunction that states the effect, while the event is stated in the parent sentence form. The words used in marking the conjunction of consequences are: so that, until, and the consequences.

8. Conjunction Terms (conditional)

The conditional or conditional conjunction describes a matter that occurs when the conditions mentioned have been fulfilled. Words that state this relationship include: if, if, as long as, if, if and when.

9. Unconditional Conjunction

The word unconditional liaison explains that something can happen without the need for conditions to be met. Examples included in this unconditional conjunction include: although, though, and even if.

10. Comparison Conjunction

Conjunction comparison functions to connect two things and is done by comparing the two things. Words that are often used include: as, as, as if, as, as, like, as if, for example, as and than.

11. Correlative Conjunction

Correlative conjunction connects two parts of a sentence that have a relationship such that one sentence can directly affect the other or one sentence completes another sentence.

Correlative conjunction can be used in sentences with a reciprocal relationship. Examples of correlative conjunctions: in such a way …, not only …. but also …, more … .. more, increasing … … increasing, increasingly … increasingly, so …, good …, and also.

12. Affirmation Conjunction (strengthen or intensification)

The affirmation conjunction has the function of confirming or summarizing the parts of the sentence previously mentioned, including various things that state the details. Examples of affirmative conjunctions: even, moreover, for example, for example, that is, that is, in short, and finally.

13. Explanatory Conjunction (settlement)

This explanatory or settler conjunction has a function of connecting the previous sentence with its breakdown. Examples of explanatory conjunctions: that.

14. Conjunction Justification (consessive)

The justification conjunction is a subordinative conjunction that connects between two things and is done by justifying or acknowledging one thing, while simultaneously rejecting other things that are marked by the conjunction.

Justification is stated in the form of the main clause (main sentence), while rejection is stated in clauses preceded by conjunctions such as:

15. Sequence Conjunction

The sequence conjunction serves to show a sentence that states the order of something or event. Examples of sequence conjunctions: then, first, and then.

16. Conjunction Restrictions

Conjunction this limitation has a function to indicate the existence of restrictions on a thing or within the limits where an action can be done. Examples of limiting conjunctions, for example: except, other than, and origin.

17. Marker Conjunction

Conjunction marker serves to declare a sign of something. Examples of conjunction markers: for example, for example. In addition, there is a conjunction of prioritization markers, with examples such as: principal, first and foremost.

18. Conjunction Situation

Situation conjunction describes an action that occurs or takes place with certain conditions or conditions. Examples of conjunction situations: moderate, though, while, and while.

Based on the explanation above, have you understood about conjunction? There are various types of conjunctions that need to be studied and understood. Each of these types has a different function. Happy learning and hopefully this article is useful for all.

by Abdullah Sam
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