8 Best Types of School Time Table You Must Know

Types of school time table are discussed in this article. A good time table must be complete and comprehensive in every way. It may indicate the type of co curricular activities being carried out in the school at the time and place. It may also indicate under whose supervision and guidance those activities are being carried out. But a single time table may convey the entire information satisfactorily. For efficient working of the it is desirable to have different time tables for purposes and activities.

Consolidated time table

It is also known as general time table or master time which provides a complete picture of the entire school from day-to-day. It can be very useful to the headmaster, who will depend only on this time table for all types of supervisory responsibilities.

Class time table

It is the picture of class-wise programmers. It shows particular class or section will study in a particular a particular teacher at a particular place.

Types of School Time Table Will Increase learners Productivity And outcomes.

Types of School Time Table

Teacher’s timetable

Teacher’s time table in consolidated form is very important for the headmaster to carry out supervisory duties. Every teacher may be provided with his own small strip g all the subjects and classes he has to teach and the activities he has to look after.

Game time table

It will show the allocation of time and place for games for each group. Groups for games cannot be organized on the basis of sections and classes. These are organized on the basis of age and proficiency in games. Therefore there is need and justification for a time table exclusively for the games.

Co-curricular activities timetable

This will facilitate and systematize the organization of these important activities in a school. It will show the names of various activities, the names of teacher In charge, the place of meeting and duration etc.

Homework timetable

In order to rationalize the load of home work, a time table of this type will be very helpful. It will show the amount of home work, to be set by each subject teacher in his subject for concerned class during a week. Thus the students will be saved from unnecessarily heavy burden of home work on certain occasions but too light work load on certain other occasions. It is also advisable to send a copy of home work time table to parents to secure their cooperation in this direction

Vacant periods time table

A special time table showing the vacant periods of all the teachers may also be prepared. This is helpful in keeping his classes occupied,when a teacher happens to be on leave.


Choosing the right type of school time table is essential for creating a conducive learning environment. Whether it’s a regular time table, rotational time table, block time table, flexible time table, split time table, or hybrid time table, each has its own advantages and is suited for different educational settings. By implementing an appropriate time table, schools can ensure effective time management, promote student engagement, and enhance overall learning outcomes. So, take the time to assess your school’s requirements and select a time table that best aligns with your educational goals.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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