Types of Prejudice

The Prejudice it is a concept associated with discrimination and differences that exist in the world.

Prejudiced people attribute a value judgment on a certain aspect, whether social class, culture, religion, ethnicity, skin color, sexual preference, among others.

There are several types of prejudice , for example, against women (machismo, misogyny or sexism), Jews (anti-Semitism), the physically disabled, appearance (stereotypes), weight (fatophobia), Northeasterners, black population, LGBT, among others.

Note that prejudice is a concept created and is often associated with labels or stereotypes that have developed in society.

In this sense, when we see a person all tattooed, we immediately associate that individual is drugged, or when a person is fat, we attribute appreciations of the type: ” that individual only thinks about eating and does not take care of himself “.

The bullying and cyberbullying are types of prejudice that have currently been coined to describe the physical and verbal torture of a person is real or virtual way.

Misanthropy (or anthropophobia), in contrast to philanthropy, is a type of prejudice determined by hatred of humanity or the human race.

It is worth mentioning that all types of prejudice generate hostility and violence (physical or verbal), and are closely related to irrationality and ignorance, usually associated with an ideology.

Classification of forms of prejudice

There are several types of prejudice, the most common of which are:

Racial prejudice

It is one that is associated with ethnicity, race and physical aspects, for example, racism .

This can occur among people with different skin color aspects, being more common among whites and blacks, where the former, due to historical aspects, feel superior to the others.

It is worth remembering that racist practices are considered crimes in several countries, including Brazil.

Social prejudice

Associated with social class and defined by the status of certain individuals, social prejudice generally occurs between two main groups: the rich and the poor.

The former feel superior to the others because they have more material goods and easier access.

Cultural Prejudice

This form of prejudice is associated with cultural differences that exist, for example, ethnocentrism and xenophobia .

Ethnocentrism defines the attitudes of certain individuals who consider their habits and behaviors to be superior to those of other cultures.

In turn, xenophobia determines aversion to foreigners, which generally arises due to several historical, cultural and religious factors.

Linguistic prejudice

The linguistic discrimination is associated with the language and also the manner of speaking, from abbreviations, slang, dialects, accents, among others.

In Brazil, we notice a lot of linguistic prejudice between the different regions of the country, since there are different accents. Thus, paulistas believe that their way of speaking is superior to that of the Northeasterners, for example.

Religious Prejudice

This form of discrimination is associated with religion, being developed by religious intolerance. It occurs when individuals do not accept religious diversity and attribute certain value judgments to other beliefs, often without foundation.

Several conflicts currently developed in the Middle East demonstrate this type of prejudice, which has claimed several lives. In Brazil, African-based religions are the most prejudiced.

Sexual or gender prejudice

This type of prejudice is associated with the LGBT population and sexual and gender orientations of each individual, for example, homophobia and transphobia.

Thus, the first is the prejudice developed about people who have homoaffective relationships. Transphobia is the prejudice of people who are hostile to transgender individuals, that is, who have another gender identity.

There is also prejudice against women and the female universe, which can be identified with the term misogyny .


by Abdullah Sam
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