10 Types of Pollution;Main Consequences

Could you list the most important types of pollution ?We are increasingly aware of the importance of caring for the environment.There is still much to do if we want the generations to come to have a planet to inherit. The consequences of a polluted world are known: climate change, greenhouse effect, global warming … Let’s know what types of environmental pollution exist.


  • Types of contamination according to the affected environment
  • Types of pollution depending on the pollutant
  • Contamination according to the extent of the source
  • Consequences of environmental pollution

Pollution is the introduction of a pollutant into a natural environment that causes instability, disorder, damage or discomfort in an ecosystem, in the physical environment or in a living being. In general, the consequences of pollution derive mainly from human activity. There are different classes or types of contamination depending on the environment it affects, the contaminating method and the extent of the source.The pollutant can be a chemical or energetic substance. Also sound, heat or light are. It can be a foreign element or, even, natural; in this case, when its presence in a particular environment exceeds normal levels.

Know what are the types of environmental pollution

Types of contamination according to the affected environment

There are three types of pollution depending on the environment in which the pollutant acts:

  • Air or environmental pollution . It consists of the release of chemical substances into the atmosphere that alter its composition. It poses a serious risk to the health of all living beings.
  • Water or water pollution . It is due to the presence of debris in the water. The pollution of seas, rivers and lakes is produced by human activities and is a source of infections.
  • Soil contamination . Like the two previous types of pollution, it is due to human action (waste and garbage thrown on any land surface).

Types of pollution depending on the pollutant

Another nine types of pollution depend on the environmental polluting method and are related to the previous three. That is, the following types can be given in the previous three, separately or in combination:

  • Chemical contamination . When the pollutant is a chemical substance that normally comes from industrial uses.
  • Radioactive contamination . It is derived from the emission of radioactive materials as a result of accidents at nuclear power plants or deliberate abandonment of radioactive waste. Enriched uranium is the main pollutant.
  • Thermal pollution . It arises with the emission of fluids at high temperatures. And it is one of the causes of climate change.
  • Noise pollution . Human activity produces a lot of noise, and the high decibels in a certain place above its natural levels mark the pollution.
  • Visual pollution . The one that visually destroys a natural landscape, such as electric power towers, billboards, landfills …
  • Light pollution . It occurs mainly at night in cities and is due to an excess of artificial lighting.
  • Electromagnetic pollution . Radiation generated by electronic equipment is the cause of this type of contamination.
  • Microbiological contamination . It occurs mainly in sewage, underground and terrestrial waters. Very harmful to animals and humans.
  • Genetic contamination . It primarily affects plants when there is an uncontrolled transfer of genetic material in them. It seriously damages biodiversity.

How many types of pollution are there?

  • The best known is certainly atmospheric pollution : defined as the set of vapors, gases, dust, mists and fine dust that are emitted into the air, it is therefore chemical, physical and biological agents that change the earth’s atmosphere, compromising the healthiness of the air we breathe every day.
  • Water pollution : that is of the waters of our planet, we are well aware of the problem of plastic islands and therefore of microplastics, but also of chemical agents such as mercury and harmful substances that are released for example by leaking fuel from ships, waste materials from industries , etc …
    This is the type of pollution that, passing from our tables (fish, drinking water), also compromises our health.
  • Soil pollution: much underestimated but it is the pollution that we can attribute to the famous use of ” pesticides and fertilizers ” as well as to an incorrect disposal of household and waste waste, also indirectly, passing through our tables (fruit and vegetables ), it can compromise our health.
  • Noise pollution: typical of large metropolises and of places where one is subjected to continuous noise, this pollution is considered harmful to hearing, but in particular for its ability to increase general stress and consequently the quality of life.
  • Light pollution: is the type of pollution that has negative effects on human circadian rhythms , or sleep-wakefulness and is given by the combination of luminous signs, various illuminations, but also by televisions and cell phones. In fact, the lights of the screens have invaded our lives without limits and if the darkness never comes, it is easier to suffer from insomnia and problems related to mood.
  • Thermal pollution: which will immediately become easier to understand thanks to the two magic words that characterize it: “ greenhouse effect ”. It is the overheating of the earth due to the many human activities that in the long run lead to a change in the climate with serious consequences already known today, such as those of the melting of glaciers.
  • Electromagnetic pollution:here we are at the most unknown and underestimated type of pollution of all, but which has consequences on everyone’s lives, no one excluded. It is sneaky, because it cannot be seen, but it lives and lives in our homes, every day and subjects us to the continuous effects of magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves, naturally harmful to our health. This type of pollution can be caused by telephone antennas, home wireless systems, household appliances, cell phones and electronic devices in general.

But now let’s go back to the house for a moment …

Are we really safe from pollution in our homes?

It would be great if it were true, but unfortunately the answer is no.

In fact, our homes are invaded by really harmful substances that in the long run can compromise our health:

  • formaldehyde : found in paper bags, wax papers, handkerchiefs, chipboards, plywood, synthetic fabrics, glues;
  • xylene – found in prints, leather, rubber, industrial paints, cigarette smoke;
  • benzene : can come from plastics, synthetic fabrics, rubber, paints, dyes, detergents, pesticides and furniture waxes;
  • trichlorethylene : it can come from inks, lacquers, paints, adhesives, solvents;
  • ammonia : found in household cleaning products, glass and floor cleaners, furniture waxes and fertilizers.

To these substances, we must also add the presence of various household appliances and electronic devices which in turn produce radiation and electromagnetic waves that are harmful to our body and the effects of these substances combined with magnetic fields, in the long run, can be perceived thanks to some symptoms:

  • allergies;
  • nausea;
  • migraine;
  • fatigue;
  • itching and burning in the eyes;
  • neurological disorders;
  • loss of attention and concentration.

If you often have any of these symptoms, then the air quality in your home may be compromised.All types of pollution are related and arise as a direct consequence of human impact. Reducing our footprint on the planet is in our power.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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