Types of diseases

As we well know, a disease is broadly considered as an alteration, ailment or health problem that affects the proper functioning of the body or some aspect of the latter, causing in most cases pain, discomfort and, in severe cases , death. The causes of a disease can be several, either internal or external to the body that suffers it. Therefore, we can say that diseases are the opposite case of health or well-being, since they affect a living being in different ways. For its part, there are currently various diseases that affect humans, many of which can be cured if they are detected and treated in time. However, there are other diseases that still do not have a cure, so they can only be controlled but not completely eliminated.

Obviously, today medicine can easily detect a disease. In this sense, diseases usually have a specific symptomatology. That is, a set of traits or signs that tell us that we have a certain disease. However, this can sometimes be misleading or not entirely reliable, as symptoms can be confused. Likewise, the current classification of diseases is broad and diverse. For example, diseases can be defined by their biological characteristics, their distribution or by the degree of alteration or damage they cause in the patient.

Types of diseases:

Acute diseases: this term is applied to all those diseases that have a relatively short duration and that for the same reason do not suppose something serious for the patient. These diseases are generally considered to have a maximum duration of three months.

Subacute diseases: al igu

As in the previous case, this type of disease is defined based on its duration. As the name implies, these diseases last a little longer than the acute ones, so they last a maximum of six months.

Chronic diseases: these types of diseases last longer than the previous ones. In fact
, it can be said that their duration is permanent, so they accompany the patient throughout his life, so they cannot be completely eliminated but only controlled.

Types of diseases, medicine

Sporadic diseases: as the name implies, they are those diseases that appear or affect a living being sporadically. That is, from time to time or very rarely. They are usually very rare diseases.

Endemic: they are the type of diseases that affect a region or area regularly or more or less constantly. In this case, it is any disease, since its definition is not given by its internal characteristics, but by the number of cases that occur in this regard.

Epidemic: in this case there is a high number of patients or patients suffering from a specific disease. Therefore, it is something very dangerous since the conditions for infections and the number of deaths or affectations can skyrocket. These types of diseases are usually very contagious, since their reproduction is easier.
Pandemic: these types of diseases affect a large part of the world during a specific period of time. Like the previous cases, it can be treated of any type of disease that, in most cases, spreads quickly.

Endogenous diseases: these types of diseases are all those that are caused by factors internal to the patient or that, at least, develop within the patient and not by external aspects. In this sense we can mention genetic, congenital, nutritional, degenerative, utoimmune or mental diseases.

Exogenous diseases: as the name implies, these types of diseases are the opposite of the previous ones. Therefore, they are diseases that are caused by agents external to the patient. In this way, among these types of diseases we find infectious, parasitic, venereal, toxic, traumatic or allergic.

Environmental diseases: these types of diseases are caused by aspects or elements found in the environment. In general, it is not precisely biological agents, but rather other types of illnesses that manifest as diseases in a patient. For example, noise can cause certain types of diseases such as stress, although its composition is not eminently biological.

by Abdullah Sam
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