Coffee has good benefits in helping the diet. The caffeine content in coffee can encourage the body’s metabolic rate and burn fat. Caffeine substances in coffee are compounds that can help move fat from body fat tissue, so that fat can be used as fatty acids by the blood.

Even in the short term, caffeine can increase the body’s metabolic rate and increase fat burning. In this case, caffeine increases energy use, even when you are resting.

Plus, caffeine also stimulates the process of thermogenesis, the way the body produces heat and energy from digesting food. In addition, caffeine also reduces appetite even for a short time. Cigna shares several types of coffee that you can choose to achieve your body goal  goals  when dieting.


·         Black coffee


Black coffee can help you lose weight fast. The caffeine content in black coffee can help you burn fat. Even experts find the fact that black coffee can encourage the body’s metabolism and burn fat.

Even a study from the Department of Human Nutrition in the Netherlands, as quoted by  found the fact that drinking coffee can burn more calories. Researchers from the University of London stated the fact that drinking a cup of black coffee can burn 150 calories.


·         Green Coffee


One coffee that you can use for a diet is green coffee. Yes indeed green coffee has become a recent trend to lose weight and its properties can be proven through several studies.

According to a study published in March 2006 in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine as quoted from  daily supplement of green coffee bean extract can reduce body fat and weight, as well as the composition of fat in the liver in mice. In that study, caffeine and chlorogenic acid were seen as the main compounds for weight loss. Chlorogenic acid found in coffee beans that have not been roasted can be absorbed by humans.


·         Butter Coffee


Butter coffee is a coffee drink mixed with butter. This combination also produces a unique taste. Butter coffee is also known as  bulletproof coffee. 

This drink is inspired by the habits of Tibetans who like to consume drinks mixed with Yak milk-based butter like po cha. Starting from there, the idea of ​​making butter coffee products was born.

Basically, eating this butter coffee is the same as when you go on the keto diet. Both equally minimize the intake of carbohydrates into the body and conversely maximize the function of animal fats and proteins to produce energy for the body. Substances that can make butter coffee can be as a delay procrastinator. A balanced diet with nutrition will make the body still have a good nutritional intake.


·         Espresso


Espresso coffee can be one of your diet coffee choices. One mini cup (shot) of espresso has calorie content of 5 milligrams, 80-120 milligrams of caffeine, and zero protein. Registered nutritionist, Catherine Collins from St. Hospital. George London, reported by the Daily Mail, said espresso is one of the right coffees to cut your weight.

Those are the four favorite coffees that you can make choices for on a diet. The above dish can be your tool for enjoying a diet while drinking coffee.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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