Types of Mass Media and Examples in Daily Life

The mass media is a medium for delivering information that is very influential in influencing today’s society. The power of mass media in providing decision choices on various issues through the information presented makes many people increasingly interested in using mass media in achieving their goals.

Mass media is increasingly diverse in every era. To more easily understand it, here are the types of mass media along with examples that we can find in everyday life.

Print media

Print media are mass media that use pictures and writing on paper in the delivery of information. The types of mass media along with examples in print media are,

  1. Newspaper

Newspapers or newspapers are the first type of mass media found. Newspapers have the function of providing information or news, providing entertainment, providing criticism of other writings, and providing solutions to some problems in daily life.

The size of the newspaper is wide enough to load many stories in just one sheet. Newspapers are usually printed on recycled paper so it is more environmentally friendly.

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  1. Magazines

The magazine is one of the mass media that provides entertainment for its readers. The look of the magazine is far more attractive than that of a newspaper or newspaper. Magazines are usually made from slippery paper so it is more attractive. The appearance is also much more colorful.

The magazine has a function as a conveyor of information, channeling talent, learning media to write, the source of the latest fashion, media promotion, and other functions.

  1. Tabloids

The tabloid is a print media that has the size of a newspaper or newspaper, but looks as attractive as a magazine. Tabloids have prices above newspapers but still below magazine prices. Tabloids provide information about life, writing learning media, providing entertainment and other functions.

  1. Bulletin

Bulletins are usually in the form of leaflets that are printed only at certain times. Bulletins are more local and are usually only distributed in certain circles. A bulletin consists of a sheet or sheets of medium size paper that contains a specific topic. Bulletin is also printed only in a certain amount because the purpose of the bulletin is not an advantage but to provide information to the group itself.

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  1. Text books

The next print media is a text book. Textbooks are used to provide certain information. Textbooks are usually used for learning so that the contents are not as diverse as newspapers or magazines.

The number of pages of textbooks is also far more than other print media. Even some of them are printed using hard covers so they look more elegant and luxurious.

Electronic Media

Unlike the print media which is made using paper media. Electronic media actually uses various kinds of electronic equipment in the delivery of information. To more easily understand it, here are the types of mass media along with examples in electronic media:

  1. Television

This electronic media is owned by every family in the world. Television is one of the electronic media that conveys information through an electronic box that will display images and sound in the form of video.

Television owned by every house in Indonesia is one of the mass media which has a great influence on people’s lives. Television is able to provide important and up-to-date information, provide entertainment, and educate through certain programs.

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  1. Radio

Radio is a mass media that conveys information through radio waves. Radio requires radio wave signal transmitters and radio devices so that communication can run well. Radio is able to provide various kinds of information, entertainment, as well as being the best promotional media because of its wide reach and low cost.

  1. Cellphone

In addition to television, another electronic media that is no less popular and owned by almost all people is mobile. Even the number of mobile phones today is far more than the total population in the world. Because one person can have 2 to 3 cellphones at once.

Cell phones are another form of telephone that has been updated. Mobile phones are now not only a tool for calling. The cellphone now has many additional features such as a clock, calculator, camera and search engine.

  1. Internet

The internet is an inseparable part of people’s lives today. The popularity of the internet has even exceeded the triumphant television of its time. The internet is also present in everyone’s cellphone.

The internet is able to convey information in real time via telephone or video call . The ability of the internet that is able to convey information quickly and accurately makes many people who can not turn away from this one electronic media.

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In addition, the internet also does not recognize the limits of space and time. The internet is able to connect someone who is on one continent with people who are on another continent. This vast coverage at a very low cost is what makes the internet the heart of everyone’s choice in getting the latest information.

  1. Computers

The monitor screen, which is smaller than a television, is also a widely used electronic media. Computers used to convey information are usually connected to the internet so that they can send the desired information.

That is a brief explanation of the types of mass media along with examples. Thus this short article. Hope it is useful for all of us


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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