Types of Interpretation In Text

In general, when talking about translation will focus on text translation or written translation. Actually there is still one other type of translation that is oral translation (interpretation). If theoretically there are three types of translations according to Jacobson, namely intralingual, interlingual, and intersemiotic which have been discussed in the previous article, while practically there are two types namely written translation and oral translation.



In English translation means written translation, while interpretation means oral translation. Suryawinata & Hariyanto (2003: 25) mention oral translation with interpretation to find shorter terms, then the translator is called interpreter.


Verbal translation / interpretation

A (written) translator may not be able to interpret / become an interpreter, because the skills of the two translations are different. Translators are required to rewrite a text in the target language, so the ability to write is very necessary. Translation write berifat cyclic namely a translator can fix the article if it is less worth while interprerpasi already uttered only be repaired if it is true – absolutely no time to redo the translation results.


On the other hand an interpreter is required to transfer information to listeners. During translating in a formal event, the interpreter is in a special room, for example at a seminar or conference. Usually interpreters no longer use dictionaries to look up word equivalents. The interpreter only uses a small note to note the important points in the source text (TSu) so that the interpreter can be expressed again in the target text (TSa). Translation errors in interpretations cannot be corrected, because interpretations are usually done at the same time.


Type of oral translation

Suryawinata & Hariyanto (2003: 26) mentioned that there are two types of oral translations, namely simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation . Explanation of the two types of interpretation according to Suryawinata and Hariyanto is as follows:


1. Simultaneous interpretation

Simultaneous interpretation is an oral translation that is done without waiting for the source text to be read or uttered to completion, but carried out simultaneously during the utterance takes place. When a phrase or clause has been understood, then when that interpretation has also been carried out, however, a new utterance can be translated as a sentence. When delivering or speaking in the target language, an interpreter must simultaneously listen and take notes for the next utterance. An interpreter in simultaneous translation must know very well the topic of the conversation that will be discussed later.


2. Consecutive interpretation

In the translation process, this is done alternately or in sequence. Interpereter must listen first then note the important points and then convey the translation to the recipient’s audience after the speaker has finished speaking.


3. Whisper Interpretation

This interpretation is done when two people do not understand each other because they are different languages ​​and do not understand each other. This interpretation is also done by whispering to clients and is usually limited to 2-3 people.


by Abdullah Sam
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