Treatment of warts

The treatment of warts varies according to age and the type of manifestation of the disease. Know the most common alternatives:

  • Common warts: in children, they can be treated by daily application of salicylic acid in low concentrations. Weekly application (in the office) of cantnidine leads to the formation of a blister under the wart. The dead portion of the wart at the top of the blister is then removed after about a week. In adults or older children, cryotherapy (freezing) is one of the treatment options, with little pain and virtually no risk of scarring. Electrosurgery (burning), although more painful, is another good alternative, as it removes the wart in a single session.
  • Plantar warts: difficult to treat, as they are located below the surface of the skin. Treatment options include applying adhesives containing salicylic acid and other chemicals. There are also surgical options: laser surgery, electrosurgery or excision.
  • Flat warts: methods that promote skin peeling, such as the daily application of salicylic acid or other products with the same purpose are the usual recommendation.
  • Genital warts: The most difficult to treat. Periodic office treatments using acids or cryotherapy may be necessary to remove visible warts. The dermatologist can prescribe a podophyllin formula to use at home. More modern medicines have been developed for topical use that have an action on genital warts, however, due to their irritating action, they should only be used with medical guidance. When they are persistent or in cases of large genital warts, surgical treatment is the option. Women with genital warts are more likely to develop cervical cancer. Therefore, all adults with genital warts must undergo treatment.

Warning: warts must always be diagnosed and have their treatment prescribed by a doctor. Liquid nitrogen sprays and other products freely available at the pharmacy should not be used, at the risk of causing burns or injuries, in addition to hindering (or even preventing) the proper treatment of skin problems that can resemble warts, such as melanomas and other types of skin cancer.


by Abdullah Sam
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