Tissue flaccidity

It is the result of intrinsic causes, such as aging and extrinsic, such as an excessive process of thinning (“sanfona effect”), pregnancy, sun, poor diet (malnutrition) and even smoking. Better known as sagging, it is characterized by the lack of skin support fibers, collagen and elastin.

Tissue sagging is a term that refers to the quality or flaccid state of tissue, that is, soft, loose tissue and that may or may not be associated with a sagging muscle. In tissue sagging, the skin loses its elasticity, its tone and with it, the inesthetic appearance is inevitable. It usually appears from the third decade of the woman and in well visible parts of the body: such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, face and arms.

Do you know that leftover skin on the back of the arm, on the triceps, which scales when we give “tchauzinho”? Or that strange fold of skin in the abdomen? Or even that aspect of “fallen bumbum”? They are consequences of flabby skin.


In practice, sagging occurs when the collagen gradually becomes more rigid and at the same time, elastin, loses its main characteristic.

The sagging skin is directly related to the activity of the connective tissue of support. The connective tissue is formed by various types of cells and, among them, we find fibroblasts, cells responsible for the formation of fibers and amorphous intercellular material, that is, they synthesize collagen, mucopolysaccharides and also elastic fibers.

The decrease in activity and the number of fibroblasts causes a lower production of collagen and disorganization of existing ones.


by Abdullah Sam
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