Tips for Washing Your Face

Our skin is daily exposed to the sun, wind, pollution and dust. With that, the skin loses its luster and beauty – and that is where the traces of aging begin to appear. So that the skin can always be beautiful and well treated, one of the basic cares for the face is cleansing.

Washing your face is one of the most simple and efficient beauty advice, and it is suitable for any type of skin, especially for oily skin .

The purpose of washing your face is to unclog your pores, dissolve dirt and makeup, as well as remove excess oil. It is also a good opportunity to remove dead skin cells with a light exfoliation. In addition, with clean skin, treatments – such as hydration and protection – are more efficient because they penetrate the skin more easily.

Many think it is silly to clean the skin, but with a clean skin, even the formation of blackheads and pimples is avoided . Remember that using specific products for the face is essential.

Tips for more efficient cleaning

  • Wash your face twice a day, morning and night.
  • Use soaps specific to your skin type.
  • The water temperature should be cold to warm.
  • Make circular movements to help circulation in the spider veins of the face.
  • Rinse well; do not leave product residues.
  • Use a clean towel (to prevent bacteria from contaminating your face) and a soft towel (so as not to harm the skin). Do not rub the towel on your face; tap lightly.

How should complete skin cleaning be?

  • First use a make-up remover. It will help remove thicker dirt such as makeup. Check out the post on how to make your natural makeup remover .
  • Wash your face with facial soap.
  • Use a facial tonic. The tonic will help in the elimination of that dirt that is in the pores, that the soap cannot eliminate. Check out the post on how to make your own tonic .
  • To finish and leave your skin fresh, use thermal water .

You can also include an exfoliating cleanse once a week to remove dead cells.

Now, with clean skin, it’s time to nourish and moisturize your skin with your favorite cream.

Face Wash Soap Tips

My favorite soaps that leave no residue on the skin and that I find cleansing super efficient leaving the skin smooth is Profuse’s puriance and La Roche’s Effaclar .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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