Theory of Social Change

The theory of social change can help us explain how changes occur in society over a certain period of time. Theory in this context can also be called an approach or perspective, which is essentially a tool for analyzing the social change we are studying. There are four major theories of social change.

Also read:  Social Change: Examples and Causes

Social change theories

Functionalist theory

Functionalist theory as a theory of social change sees the process of social change as normal, but has an impact on changes in the social system. In the extreme, social change can cause social systems to dysfunction. In the end, there was a cultural lag . For example, the construction of a railroad crossing an isolated hamlet. At night, some hamlet residents stole iron pieces of the railroad tracks to sell them so that the tracks were damaged. The construction of the railroad has changed the conducive atmosphere of the hamlet as before. There is a cultural gap between the minds of some people and the entry of technology in the form of railroads. The theft of railroad iron made the hamlet situation no longer conducive to development.

  • Basic assumption:Change can destabilize established social systems
  • Main character:Emile Durkheim

Conflict theory

Conflict theory as a theory of social change assesses social change as the effect or result of conflict between classes. Conflict arises due to differences in interests between the upper and lower classes. Each class has its own interests oriented. Social relations according to this theory contain contradictions. Owners of capital cut workers’ salaries in order to get maximum profit. The workers want to get high salaries so that automatically reduce the opinion of the owners of capital. The conflict will continue until class distinctions are eliminated.

  • Basic assumption:Social change is the impact of social conflict
  • Main character: Karl Marx


The theory of social evolution

The theory of social evolution as a theory of social change sees social change as a process that occurs over a long period of time. To change people’s behavior, it takes a long time interval. The duration here is very relative, it can be years or even centuries. For example, the change from a maritime society to an agrarian society in Indonesia. In the historical literature of the archipelago, it is explained that the Srivijaya kingdom when controlling the archipelago was a maritime kingdom. Now the majority of the population in the archipelago are farmers. The change from an agrarian society to an industrialist society also takes a long time.

  • Basic assumption:Social change occurs slowly over a long period of time.
  • Main character:Herbert Spencer

Cycle theory

Cycle theory as a theory of social change sees change as a natural thing. The civilization of a nation will triumph then collapse, then will triumph again and so on. Cycle can also mean a linear process from birth, steady, to collapse. A new civilization of society can emerge, proceed until finally extinction. Ancient Greek civilization, for example, had experienced a triumph until it became extinct. Local languages, when they run out of speakers, will certainly become extinct.

  • Basic assumption:The process of social change is cyclical or linear.
  • Main character:Pitrim A. Sorokin

The process of social change never stops. The theory of social change always follows and tries to explain. The social world is constantly changing, it’s just that sometimes it’s invisible. Historical knowledge is needed to see social changes in society as a whole. Understanding social change is impossible without using a historical lens. The theory of social change always contains comparative efforts. The comparison between the past and the ‘present era’ is an easy way to see what changes are happening in society.

The theories of social change that have been mentioned above are established macro theories. The social changes that are happening in the present are relatively faster than in the past. In the past, it is years since pen and paper were invented, people sent messages by letter. Paper and pen were new inventions of their time. It is now less than 30 years since its discovery that the sms service has declined in popularity. Changes due to the invention of paper and pen last longer than changes due to the invention of sms. In essence, social change is happening faster now. It could be that today technology is invented, tomorrow is used by everyone, the day after tomorrow it sinks.


by Abdullah Sam
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