The symptothermal method: how it works

The symptothermal method is based on the observation of all physical indicators and their faithful and correct daily annotation.

The symptothermal method

Using the various signs of fertility at the same time

  • the cervical mucus,
  • the basal temperature,
  • changes in the cervix

it means relying on the so-called symptothermal method. That is, the observation of all physical indicators and their faithful and correct daily annotation. By using all the signals together, each helps to interpret the other.

Technological aids can help you keep track of daily changes.

READ ALSO:The natural conceptional methods


  • Billings method


  • Basal temperature


  • Observation of the cervix

The Billings method

The Billings or Cervical Mucus Method is a natural practice based on the observation and evaluation of the cervical mucus .

The characteristics of cervical mucus are observed: in the most fertile days the mucus increases and becomes fluid, transparent, abundant. A “egg white” if caught between two fingers.

The basal temperature method

Basal temperature is the body temperature that occurs after a period of rest . The ideal time to measure it is when you wake up.

Basal temperature varies throughout the month.

The peak in the level of estrogen , which occurs just before ovulation ,  corresponds to a lowering of the basal temperature.  The best time to have sexual intercourse aimed at conception is now.

Observation of the cervix

The observation of the cervix is the most effective method in women who have not yet had children as it can be more easily distinguished the dilation of the orifice of the uterine neck with the touch of the finger in the vagina: in the ovulatory phase in fact the orifice tends to dilate due to allow the passage of more fluid cervical mucus.

In women who have already given birth this orifice remains more open and it is more difficult to feel this variation


by Abdullah Sam
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