The Scale of Mental Health and Transcendental Values

The mental health scale presented in Robin Skinner and John Cleese’s book, Life and How to Succeed, is one of the things I’m extremely grateful for because it helped me realize that things aren’t what they seem at first glance. and that people who feel they are below the average level of “normalcy” and suffer from their inability to adapt to them may actually be “above” on this scale. It is especially good to know this in relation to organizations that also have their own different levels of mental health, and this is the explanation for why individuals with higher levels of mental health fail to adapt to organizations with lower levels of mental health. levels of mental health.

However, there is something else about the connection between mental health and values. It applies not only to organizations – it refers to our views on the even greater whole – Life and our place in it.

“… When patients begin to show an interest in some values ​​outside of their own personality, it is usually a sign that they are on the path to a healthier lifestyle.”

Robin Skinner in “Life and How to Succeed”

Here we are talking about the so-called transcendent values , ie. this one

“With a set of values ​​and views that create a sense of meaning and purpose that goes beyond individual and even family well-being .”

You don’t have to be religious to share such values, but it’s enough to see the meaning of your life as transcending your own personal, narrowly selfish goals. This is so important that when John Cleese asks Robin Skinner a question:

“Do you think a person can be very strong mentally, without feeling that there is something bigger and more important than himself?” ,

Robin replies.

” It simply came to our notice then. . . “

Psychotherapy and spiritual development are not just connected – spirituality, I mean the mature forms of spiritual pursuits, is an expression of the highest levels of mental health.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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