The Light that went out, the 2nd chapter of Marvel’s Avengers

Save the day with the Avengers in Marvel’s Avengers Light That Went Out

After the end of I want to be an Avenger! , it will be the turn to put on the armor or to take off the clothes according to the Avenger  that touches. Needless to say, you’ll be handling them all, so this chapter will primarily serve as a tutorial for what’s to come. Be that as it may, we will start with Thor  once the cinematic is finished.

Help the police in the confrontation / Rescue the civilians / Defeat the masked men (Thor)

As we have already advanced, you will start this journey with Thor , who can use his hammer both to hit enemies and to throw it at them (and receive a hit when you call him again). Be that as it may, you will have to defeat the enemies in this first area until they indicate that there is an obstacle to knock down by charging energy.

Do so and you can rescue the civilians . You will continue in combat with enemies mounted on the vehicles with which you have to kill. What remains to be done is not too much of a mystery, just kill them all until a cinematic in which you will take control of Iron Man jumps .

Marvel’s avengers

Chase flying mercenaries / Defend civilians from masked mercenaries / Shoot anti-aircraft turrets (Iron Man)

Now you will have to handle Tony Stark , starting with a flying scene in which you will have to reach the different enemies and shoot them, something quite complicated at first. Once you land, it will touch melee combat against masked enemies, although you can use Tony’s abilities  and shoot with the ark reactor, both from the arms and from the chest (the latter when charged).

At a certain point there will be turrets that will have to be destroyed. To do this, you can attack from a distance, but it is best to fly up to them and break them. When you have finished with everyone, a new scene will play in which you will handle the Hulk .

Marvel’s avengers

Defeat the masked mercenaries / Destroy the pulsar tanks / Reach the remaining pulsar tanks (Hulk)

After the Hulk cinematic , take out the enemies as you advance. In this area it will be very easy for you to fall into the water with a bad jump, so keep in mind that you always have to jump onto walls or trucks if you can’t see a path and, more importantly, that the areas where you have to jump are species of red bars on the ground at the end of the roads.

Be that as it may, kill all the enemies until you reach a zone of tanks that you will have to destroy, which will not cost you too much. At a point, you will have to run towards the last tank, which you will have to destroy by launching another and thus giving way to the part of Captain America .

Defeat the masked mercenaries on the command deck (Captain America)

You will change the scene to be inside the Hellicarrier , that is, the Chimera . Again you will have to kill all the enemies, for which do everything indicated on the screen. Here there will also be enemies with shields, which must be defeated by jumping on them. Kill them all (it is a very short part) and you will take control of Black Widow .

Marvel’s avengers

Get the detonator / Shoot Taskmaster’s thruster / Defeat Taskmaster (Black Widow)

It will play the final part with Black Widow , with which it will not be necessary to defeat enemies, but to rush across the stage in the same way as the Hulk jumping on the red platforms. When you get to Taskmaster , hit him with the commands displayed on the screen. After this, it will be time to start the fight, where the supervillain will have his own health bar.

To begin with, it will continually ram you. Hit the dodge button when he does and quickly aim at his thruster and fire. Needless to say, only shots from this device will reduce health, since the rest will block them. When you’ve finished with the thruster, there will be a new cinematic and the final head-to-head will begin.

Taskmaster  is a character who can learn the movements of rivals, so he will use a way of fighting very similar to Captain America. You will have to hit him with light and heavy attacks, not always using the same ones, since in that case it will be easy for him to dodge you. On the other hand, as the combat progresses, it will be increasingly difficult, using bombs, charging, using the sword and the shield as a projectile.

You dodge and attack when exposed and you will finish him in nothing. Once you have removed all health, it will be time to see the last cinematic of this chapter, which will give rise to the beginning Now this is normal , the chapter that continues the events five years later.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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