How to take care of Dracina very easily

Many of us love to plant trees indoors. There are some domestic plants that make our house a bit more colorful, so they have some beneficial aspects. If there are trees at home, even the young ones of the house can learn to take care of the domestic plants themselves. This is a very pleasant job. He who has a garden and some trees, he is always a little happier than everyone. The most beneficial aspect of indoor plants is that they purify the indoor air.


Is there a need to purify the indoor air?


The toxic environment of the interior

Did you know that your house is slowly bringing you to death? Studies show that there are a number of causes for indoor environment including asthma, cancer, allergies, shortness of breath, poor health, etc. These deadly diseases spread from your home.


During the monsoon season mold growth occurs due to the damp environment inside the house. Not only molds, wood poisoning, wall paint, ventilator pores, filters, etc. are also released into the air. It always happens in our home. Studies show that 1.5 million households are infected with various diseases caused by air poisoning.

Not only is home-made material sufficient to pollute the air in the home, the cleaning products we use in homes, such as detergents, dishwashing powder, glass cleaners, tiles cleaners, etc., are also increasing the toxicity in the home. Various research firms recommend to be vigilant in the use of volatile organic chemicals. One of them is:


  • Air freshener
  • Blanket luggage cleaner
  • Polishing furniture
  • Bleaching powder
  • Oven Cleaners


Dracina is one of NASA’s approved air purifying plants

NASA conducts research on domestic landscaping plants to eliminate indoor polluted air. They test some plants to find out how much they have the ability to remove certain chemicals like trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, benzene. These common volatile biochemicals are available in our various house-making equipment and home cleaning products.


Several Dracina plants are tested and are found to be able to remove these chemicals at much higher levels than other common domestic plants. The “Janet Craig” varieties Dracina will have the highest height than the other varieties. Many research reports confirm this.


Care can be taken very easily

Dracina is one of the simplest care plants. It is as easy to care for as a succulent plant . Chlorine-free water should be sprayed throughout the tree. Using direct tap water is harmful because it contains chlorine. Therefore, only purified water or rain water can be used for maximum results. Most plants do not like high chlorine water.

It prefers to be in a bright spot inside the room rather than direct sunlight. The shaded space accommodates some, though. The shadowy places only grow a little slower. No more problems. Dracina grows easily in small pots. Using a small amount of organic chemical fertilizers or organic ingredients discarded in the kitchen can be done only if you use them three times a year. Dracina does not require a lot of fertilizer, Dresina of any kind is very easy to care for.


Dracina is great as a gift

Earlier, the book was an interesting item as a gift. Now, many people are happy to give a beautiful tree in a beautiful pot. Like the book, the plant knows its users just to give. You can buy these plants from the readymade or nursery from many online establishments on the birthday, party, Mother’s Day and gift packing beautifully. You are giving this plant a gift as well as helping to keep the air in her room clean. Dracina is one of the exotic plants that are now growing very easily in our country.


There are many species of plants of the Dracina family. Most species are native plants in warm regions of Africa and Australia. Dracina grows very easily from bright to slightly illuminated areas as an ideal domestic plant, and its foliage is somewhat strange.


They are evergreen shrubs in their native habitat. Their flexible but hard shoots can be up to 5 feet high. The old part becomes colorless when making new shoots. When this begins to happen, you can cut them off, which in the original shape of the tree produces a strange ring-like shape.

Since they are tropical plants, keeping them out in the summer will grow better. But in winter they must be kept indoors. If night temperatures are above 5 Fahrenheit, you can leave them out. The leaves of the tree may fade due to the sunlight. For this reason, one or two days a week place Dracina slowly from the shady spot to the sunny part. You have to make changes.



Some of the varieties are well known –


Dracena marginata – Their more tender leaves with stiff balsam, whose edges are green margins.


Dracena colorama – They are similar to marginata but their leaves are of different colors.


Reflexa – Small, carotene-colored leaves contain many tubes.


Janet Craig – Green leaf contains many root buds.


Janet Craig Compacta – Similar to Janet Craig but smaller,


Dracena Sanderina – Their shoots are slender, white striped leaves


All are of foreign origin. They also grow well in our country.


Planting of seedlings

For the highest results of Dracina growing, you will need to use a potting soil with sunshine . Leaf crushing. To protect the tree, you need to give a little water.


Applying fertilizer

Fertilizer application should be applied 2 to 3 times during winter and summer.


The problem

The only problem with the Dracina plant is the invasion of the leaf spot fungus. This can be done by draining drains to the outside of the room at night or by watering the leaves. Can resist very easily. Foliage can never be allowed to remain dry. Water cannot be given to the leaves. Some pest attacks can also occur at the Dracina plant. Milli is a staple of bugs and spiders. It is possible to get rid of these pest attacks by using any pesticide.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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