Symptoms of jaw cancer

The word “cancer” can cause chills in a patient’s spine. This is because the pain associated with any type of cancer is simply intolerable. Of the many types of cancer, oral cancer is increasing, mainly due to hygiene habits, such as chewing tobacco.

The jaw is a structure and an extension of the skull, which comprises the mouth. The structures of the upper and lower jaw help keep the teeth. Cancer of the jaw in relation to the mouth involves the formation of painful mass in the tissues of the jaw. Cancerous growth restricts the movement of the jaw and, sometimes, opening the mouth can be a source of great discomfort. Jaw cancer can spread rapidly and affect other parts of the body.


The symptoms of jaw cancer can certainly put a person in an awkward position, as it interferes with their normal eating habits. People who suffer from jaw cancer cannot properly chew food because it causes pain. Acute jaw pain while drinking or eating is one of the most common signs of jaw cancer. Other symptoms are as follows:

Swollen jaw
The development of a malignant tumor in the jaw not only causes extreme pain, but also leads to swelling of the jaw. The tissues of the jaw appear swollen and this can certainly bring a lot of pain.

Numbness or tingling sensation in the jaw
The affected jaw cancer patient experiences a tingling sensation similar to pin pricks along the jaw line when the jaw does not move. This strange feeling is usually felt during sleep.

Abnormal growth of the jaw
A complete oral exam can reveal a painful mass around the tissues of the jaw. Over time, the patient also begins to feel that something bad has happened with his jaw. The irregular borders of jaw cancer can be clearly detected with the use of X-rays.


As we all know, millenary therapy for cancer treatment involves the use of drugs, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. However, the most preferred method of treatment is surgery. These aforementioned treatment options are explained in detail below:

Removing the cancerous growth through surgical procedures can certainly eliminate the tumor at once. However, this form of treatment is applicable only when the tumor is located and the cancer cells have not spread beyond a certain limit. The doctor will remove the affected tissues from the lymph nodes near the jaw bone to stop the progression of the cancer. The surgical procedure is used when the cancer is in its early stages of development.

Radiation therapy
The bombardment of the affected area of ​​the body with high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells is nothing more than radiation therapy. The radiation that penetrates through the skin helps manage the spread of malignant tumors.

Chemotherapy Chemotherapy
drugs are given intravenously to kill cancer cells that have invaded the tissues of other organs of the body. This method of treatment is useful for relieving pain associated with cancer.

As the cancer progresses, the symptoms get worse over time. Even a small movement of the jaw causes excruciating pain that travels through the body. Therefore the treatment of this oral cancer as soon as possible will stop the spread of the cancer and ensure full recovery.

by Abdullah Sam
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