The survival rate of stage 3 lung cancer.

The body has a system in place that checks the growth of new cells, cancer is a disease in which uncontrolled growth of cells in tissues occurs. This growth is known as a tumor and most of the time it is malignant and dangerous. In stage 3 of lung cancer, the survival rate is very low due to the malignant nature of the tumor, which spreads through the lungs in the early stages of its formation.

More than 1.5 million people suffer from lung cancer every year worldwide, and it is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer. These alarming figures are attributed to the increasing number of people who use tobacco. Smoking is considered one of the most difficult habits to quit, since people who are affected by lung cancer are hard to stop smoking, even after being diagnosed. This also contributes to the low life expectancy rates of lung cancer in state 3.

The prognosis

A large number of people are not aware that there are four different stages of lung cancer. Most people do not know they have lung cancer until the last stages, this delay in diagnosis presents a problem for its timely treatment. Coughs, chest pain and mucus blood are some of the symptoms of lung cancer, which can be confused with the symptoms of other diseases. In most cases, an x-ray reveals that a person has lung cancer and has been detected mainly in people who smoke regularly, or those who come into contact with secondhand smoke.

The survival rate depends on the physical condition of the person and the line of treatment he is experiencing. In most cases, stage 3 of lung cancer leads to stage 4, which is fatal. Life expectancy in many patients is an average of up to 5 years. Late diagnosis is one of the biggest contributors to poor survival rates in people with lung cancer.

Stage 3 is divided into two halves, in the first half, the tumor is limited to a part of the body and in the second half known as stage 3B, the tumor spreads aggressively. For most patients in stage 3B, the tumor is difficult to remove surgically and the treatment is limited to radiation. The chances of people who survive up to 5 years are as low as 5 to 10%.

Patients who undergo chemotherapy have a better chance of survival if they have a healthy lifestyle. The prognosis of the survival rate of lung cancer is better for people receiving chemotherapy, since the percentage of people living up to 5 years is 15 or 20%. However, these statistics are not reliable because they do not take into account the genetics and life habits of patients.

Since lung cancer is a terminal disease, patients can be comfortable in the final stages with modern medications. Medications to relieve anxiety and pain can help lung cancer patients live with some comfort in their final days. In stage 4 of lung cancer the survival rate is very low and the average survival time is 8 months.

The Environment, genetics and lifestyle are some of the contributors to the survival rate and today’s medications also play a vital role. If patients are physically prepared to assume extensive treatment methods, such as chemotherapy and radiation, life expectancy is relieved.


by Abdullah Sam
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