SWOT Analysis For a job interview?

SWOT (or SWOT) is a popular method of analysis used within organizations, currently the approach has been modified and is also used for people.

SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats and serves to carry out an internal and external analysis: that is, to study a company – or individual – to obtain a general image of the current state and thus be able to make a decision or generate a strategy .

You may be wondering why an analysis focused on companies can also be used for people; Well, a company usually aims to grow and generate profits, you too, only that the contexts are different. Carrying out a SWOT analysis is the first step to know the aspects in which you have to focus twice.

Why a SWOT for a job interview?

Simple, why the recruiter is going to ask you. Believe it or not, this happens in several interviews, they do not ask you for it in full, but sometimes they wonder what are your weaknesses?

Carrying out your analysis in advance will allow you to be prepared for the recruiter’s questions, in addition to having the confidence of having knowledge of what you are talking about, that in front of a recruiter are extra points.

How do I do a SWOT analysis on myself?

First it is necessary to identify each of the elements that make up this exercise


If you are good at planning and organizing or have a specific skill, now is the time to make it public. Your knowledge and experiences also fall into this category.

This will help you answer questions such as why should we hire you? o What can you offer to the company?


They are all elements that surround you and can give you added value. They can be client portfolios or a wide network of professional contacts or networking.

This is the section that speaks well of us, it is important to strive to generate the most accurate image of yourself and sell yourself to the recruiter, however, a SWOT has the objective of analyzing the good and the bad. For the less beautiful sides, we must be careful in handling.


This SI question is usually common: What do you consider to be your weaknesses – or defects in some cases -?

The worst thing you can answer is that you DO NOT HAVE, not only is it not very credible, but you would also be a liar and a conceited person before the recruiter. In these types of questions, interviewers value honesty, but you have to be a bit more cunning:

For example: If you are a shy or introverted person and it is difficult for you to relate, you can say that sometimes your personality is shy, but that does not prevent you from working as a team or if you lack experience too, but that you have a good attitude, you are not afraid of it to extra work and you like to learn.


It is everything external that can prevent you from achieving your goals, as professionals with more studies than you, little demand for work; they are things that you do not control, but that you can face.

Many recruiters appreciate that you accept your not-so-good side, but that you have an action plan to counter it.

In summary, the SWOT is an internal and external analysis tool which serves as a guide to know what measures to take to improve, it will also help you to be better prepared in your next job interview.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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