Svchost in Windows 10: what it is and what it is for

If you have ever opened the Windows 10 Task Manager , you may have noticed that there is a specific process that is consuming a lot of system resources called svchost . Well, today we are going to see what it is  and what it is for .

We may have seen how svchost appears several times repeated in the Task Manager and that each of them is consuming part of our system independently. Apart from the curiosity of knowing why they are there, if we have a computer with enough resources it will not matter much to us, but if our computer is rather fair, accumulating many of these processes is not too good.

It is not good to close them as we will see below, since their importance in Windows 10 is greater than you could imagine, since we are talking about what is called a service host and, as its name indicates, it is an important part to host services running on Windows 10.

Role they play

These processes help us so that, every time Windows executes a new service , it uses the svchost process to make it work. That is why when we have several svchost.exe at the same time it means that there are several services that are active at that precise moment. As the operating system is capable of having a multitude of these tasks at the same time, so we can have many processes of this type at the same time.

Thanks to svchost.exe, it refers to dynamic link libraries (DLLs) , using them to run any type of service. This means that any of these programs (services) should not have codes from these notebooks in their programming, since thanks to the process we are talking about, they will be able to access them. This means less storage space consumed, since the software does not have to have the functions of those DLLs. In addition, the modulation itself will be simpler, since DLLs can serve several services, all of them using the svchost intermediary.

Windows runs svchost processes as many times as a security measure as well . That is, if an error occurs in a service, only that specific part will fall, if the svchost processes were grouped into one, at the moment there was a failure in a service, all the others would fall as a domino effect, since they would all be related to a single svchost, which would cause the computer to crash.

In this case, the Windows 10 programmers thought about it in a very correct way, managing to safeguard all the services from possible failures that affect one against the other. In this way we can continue using the computer, even if one of them falls, since the rest of the integrity would be fully assured.

Examine an svchost process

It may be that we need to identify a svchost process because it is giving some kind of failure. For that we can use several methods.

Task Manager

Using the Task Manager is the easiest way to see how many processes of this type are running and thus be able to check if any give us problems, although we advise you to be very sure which of them it is.

To enter we must press the Control + Shift + Esc keys at the same time. When we do this combination, the Administrator window will jump directly. You can also choose to type in the search part of the task bar “Task Manager ” and select it from the window that appears at that moment.

Although we have several windows, the Process Viewer is the one that is placed by default when we open the Task Manager. We will be able to see in each one of the processes that are open, the consumption of the performance of the CPU, memory, network and the corresponding disk. The name that Windows 10 gives to the svchost processes is Service Host , although in previous versions they did put the name svchost.exe.

If we want to stop the process, something that we do not advise unless you are very sure, is to click on said process with the right button of the mouse and in the drop-down that comes out click on End task .

See services

All the services that we have on the computer can be done if we use a system application. In order to run this tool only must write in the search area of the taskbar Services and automatically see that at the top of the window comes Services , right where you click. You can also press the Windows + R keys at the same time and the Run dialog will open . In this we must write services.msc and then OK .

If we click on any service and then right-click, we can enter Properties , where we can see the path of the file that is linked, how the service is called, what its function is and even see what other services depend on . Outside of Properties, when we click with the mouse, we will see that we can stop any service, something that we do not advise unless you are completely sure.

Problems with svchost

There are two problems that we can find with svchost processes. One of them is that one of them is broken, either the process, the library or even the program that links to it. In this case the complication will be to know which one of all is the cause of said error. It is not normal for this type of process to fail, so it is normal that everything comes from the program that is linked to that svchost.

The second problem is that some cyber criminals use these elements to attack the system. Thanks to its importance within Windows 10, some malware developers have devised them to imitate these processes and thus ensure that their malicious software remains in the system permanently.

The solution is simple, we must always have an antivirus system to protect our computer and occasionally scan for anything suspicious. Most of the time, antivirus detects this type of malware and solves it easily and quickly.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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