Superiority complex

Superiority complex . The superiority complex is an unconscious , neurological mechanism in which the feelings of inferiority of individuals try to compensate, highlighting those qualities in which they excel.



1 Points of view

2 Superiority behaviors

3 Strategies for treating superiority complex

4 Superiority and self-confidence complex

5 Sources

Points of view

New studies of the psyche indicate that explosive people, ready to fight at all times and full of resentment, try to hide their weak points by manifesting certain characteristics, which correspond to the prototype of people who suffer from an inferiority complex, the opposite complex, the superiority is nothing more than the armor that covers what people hate about themselves and that, in turn, means that the two situations can occur at the same time and in the same person.


Each individual has positive and negative aspects. In the individual who suffers from Superiority Complex it is possibly the negative aspects of the being are ignored by his psyche to be obsessed only with the positive ones. The term Superiority Complex was coined by Alfred Adler , ( February 7 , 1870 – May 28 , 1937 ).


The exhibition of the superiority complex, generally, is projected towards the feelings of inferiority with respect to the others. The most common problem of this complex is feeling “separated” from social groups , because they do not present the same characteristics as the rest of the people. When being with a person with this type of complex, you can come to think that they are arrogant or that they want to stand out for trivial aspects.


Behavior related to this mechanism can include an overly positive opinion about one’s worth and abilities, very high and unrealistic expectations, although highly gifted people often have this complex, regarding the achievements of oneself and of others, vanity , flamboyant style of dress (intended to attract attention), pride , sentimentality, and ease of being hurt, a tendency to reject the opinions of others (sometimes on rational grounds), snobbish behavior , among other.


The Dominican psychoanalyst and author of several self-help books Ray Bueno , refers that the inferiority and superiority complexes manifest themselves in different ways but for the same reason and it is the rejection by itself, so that “the individual idealizes and treats to be someone different, “he says in a March 2010 publication , a document in which he analyzes the two conditions.


Bueno adds that someone with that confusion needs to attract the attention of others and shine at the cost of overshadowing others. It always hurts regardless of the pain it may cause, but in a matter of seconds “it will show that it will not be able to give its best,” he points out. According to his point of view, whoever suffers from such a complex is easily intimidated and will take refuge in activities where showing that he is good is easy.


The psychologist Lauren Hernández considers that neither side of the spectrum should be considered as disorders but rather “natural states that result from the emotions of daily living,” she points out.


However, the professional clarifies that the feeling should be treated to “balance self-esteem and find the cause of the imbalance because it is not healthy,” she warns.


According to Hernández, both men and women can fall into this setback, but “especially children”, he specifies and explains that it is the natural competence that occurs at that age.


The psychologist María Lourdes Dávila positions the superiority complex as a symptom of a problem recognized as a true psychopathy or disorder and it is narcissism , a concept of which megalomania is also part .


According to Dávila, the megalomaniac person is the one who has delusions of grandeur and yearns for absolute control in his life, he is terrified of losing that feeling. She believes that she is the center of attention and thinks that everyone talks about her, looks at her and criticizes her. This goes hand in hand with paranoia, but it is not a mental illness “because there are many other aspects that condition it.”


Superiority behaviors

The Armor of Abuse: The characteristics of someone who proves to be very self-confident reveal their fears and insecurities. Don’t be fooled and keep in mind that aggressiveness is just the defense mechanism.

Just a facade: A serious face and a contemptuous look at all times towards others is, in reality, an anticipated reaction to suffering from discrimination.

A complex of truth: Believing that everyone criticizes him is another sign of megalomania that is nothing more than taking seriously being the protagonist of his own soap opera and that everything must revolve around his existence.

Almost a delusion: Megalomania borders on paranoia and is also part of narcissism. It is no coincidence that those who think they are the most important thing in the world feel like the most beautiful.

Strength? Making others feel bad is a reaction that has the same effect as the look of rejection towards the rest of the world and everything comes from fear.

Behind the aggression: “Hurt others before they do it to me” is the premise for someone who suffers from an imbalance in self-esteem . One day it will feel important, another not.

Strategies for dealing with the superiority complex

Don’t let them harass you:

In general, it is normal for labor disputes to arise due to egos, and especially when they want to be constantly above oneself. These people will always insist on always being right and above all else, let them express themselves and when they are done, make your points calmly and with self-confidence. This situation can occur with selfish bosses or people in positions of authority. Try to avoid confrontation by putting an attitude of approach, calm and listening to what you have to communicate, and thus avoid further conflicts. That is why it is best to discuss the problem again after the meeting or at another time.


Use their names

Calling these people by name is a very subtle tactic that really works to calm the wild. When you address them by name, you take control and get their attention. It is always advisable when addressing a person with a higher Ego to use their first name as often as possible.


Claim your rights:

People with a Higher Ego usually bulling everyone they can with, but do not be intimidated by them and they will run over you. Set your limits, and define what is acceptable and what is not. Stand firm in your convictions and never allow yourself to be manipulated or dominated. In the event that your boss is the one with the ego of superiority, it is advisable to communicate very clearly the needs that are really needed from him to do your job, such as support, resources, direction, etc … When you are in a situation that You have to ask him for something, talk about wanting to do your best and create a great working relationship between the two of you.


Give your opinion:

People with Egos of Superiority never expect any of their ideas to be challenged. They believe themselves so important in their world that they cannot think that those around them can or could oppose them. The approach is as follows, always clearly indicate why one opposes something, putting a solid argument against that will weaken the arguments of the other person. However, it is advisable not to have an aptitude to want to embarrass the contrary, just to reveal the weakness of the argument and that your ideas are heard and taken into account by others.


Focus on the mission and objective of the team

There are situations in which the behavior of the person with the superior ego negatively affects the mission of the team. In these situations, always focus on redirecting the team into the mission and goal of the project, and subtly challenge this person’s behavior with constructive criticism .


Superiority and self-confidence complex

The superiority complex cannot be confused with self-confidence . Some people have developed a feeling of confidence in a certain field of life based on real facts that they know about themselves. For example, you may feel very confident to speak in public if you have been practicing for years, that does not mean that you feel superior to others or that you have feelings of inferiority. It just means that you know yourself well and that you are confident.

by Abdullah Sam
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